[Peace Patrol Headquarters]
[Meeting time! Everyone come in, mingle, greet the newbies. Yuan's sitting at the front of the room, surrounded by more papers than usual, and looking...particularly grim? That seems strange, considering that they've won the big fight.
Haven't they? ...Maybe he's just tired.]
((OOC: Backdated to Friday at noon because
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And yourself?
What sort of interest does, technology hold for you?
New technology can be used to help people and also provides a system where information is free, not restricted.
So you are interested in it to, further information, not just for your own gain yes?
[He nods.] Yes - that was the vision when the company was formed, and I believe in it. [Unfortunately he has to work against the Board, which just wants a profit.]
[He likes you Alan even if you work with what he dislikes.] It is a good vision to have, even if things are in the way on occasion. Freedom of information and such.
Yes, especially where I come from, where almost everyone depends on some sort of phone or computer. The former CEO and I have tried to make everything more accessible.
It's no different in my world, everyone has a cell phone just about, and uses computers. [His dislike of it is slipping through here.] But that is always a good goal, accessible information, too bad there aren't more like you.
Thank you. But you're not big on them, I take it. [He will admit that they create some problems, but overall he believes they're good.]
You're welcome. And no, I'm not, I much prefer the telegraph, much more secure. [If pushed he'll use other means of communication, but he's more afraid of things being intercepted.]
The telegraph? I didn't think those existed anymore.
There are a few yet that work and exist in my world, one of which is in the Sanctuary that I head.
I suppose you're right about security - if there are only a few left, there's an idea of who's receiving it - not to mention people don't learn Morse code anymore.
Exactly why I prefer it. [He smiles.] With the sensitive nature of some of the work I do, it's much safer then email and such.
So your experience with sanctuaries is what prompted your interest in the Peace Patrol? [He raises his coffee cup in a gesture to the room.]
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