[Caroline is just hanging out at the bar, drinking the Long Island Iced Tea she ordered from the bar. She figured drinking straight liquor and not getting wasted would look pretty suspicious but she was hungry and needed something to surpress the cravings until she could leave to go 'eat'.
So the drink with the most booze? Always a good idea.]
[Here, Caroline. Have a girl with similar alcohol tolerance and ... unfortunately, a nose that won't quit. There's something familiar about her scent, but not enough that it's setting off any warning bells -- only enough to know that she's not human.
Max isn't exactly human either, so it works.
She slides up behind the bar, and goes to fix her own beer]
[Caroline glances up at the other girl's approach, nodding at her offer of another drink.] Yeah, please. You're... Max right? I've seen you around here.
[Eliot was here for a long time, so it's only really -- the recently new that don't know him]
Well, Eliot was a good guy. He got the place from one of the other residents who left, and he ran it for a while, and when he left, the bar got left to Jo.
So the drink with the most booze? Always a good idea.]
Max isn't exactly human either, so it works.
She slides up behind the bar, and goes to fix her own beer]
Want another?
That's me. You one of Jo's new recruits?
[Eliot was here for a long time, so it's only really -- the recently new that don't know him]
Well, Eliot was a good guy. He got the place from one of the other residents who left, and he ran it for a while, and when he left, the bar got left to Jo.
Nah, I was a bike messenger. But I've worked a bar before -- kind of like riding a bike.
Pays the bills and got me around town. It was a job.
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