Mods are OCD. Be detailed.
If you have trouble coming up with good ideas or reasons or don't understand something, anything, feel free to contact the mods. We'll be very happy to help you. Nolie, we love plotting.
ALSO! Feel free to check out
paralunaooc if you'd like to work out things with other characters before you put in an application.
Application Form
*If you are applying for a character that has been dropped, but that you wish to replace, you do not have to write out the canon background and personality, in-game occupation/location, and in-game background unless alterations have been made and discussed with the mods. Check
here or with the mods for characters that may be up for replacement.
Player Name: [This is you]
Player Journal: [Where you write from]
Contact Information: [Email, AIM, MSN; So that we can talk to you should something be amiss]
Character Name: [Who you're playing]
Character Journal: [What you're playing with]
Fandom: [Where they hail from]
Canon Background and Personality: [Their life story and a little bit about how they act and what their motivations are]
In-game occupation and/or location: [Are they a traveler? A hunter? On a quest across dimensions? Or are they a farmer? A blacksmith in one of the worlds? Distinguish between traveler and resident here, as well as which world your character will initially be residing in.
For canon characters, give us a plot point before or after where your character is from (ex: post first season, pre-someone's death, end of the series, etc.) ]
In-game Background: [How do they fit in to the game? Elaborate on the aforementioned role. Once again, the mods love details. Don’t hold back.]
Things to include in your background:
-their method of dimensional travel (Yuuko, or something else)
-IF they use Yuuko, the price they paid to travel dimensions (See
FAQ for information about prices)
-a device to talk across dimensions to Yuuko (or other people), if they want/have one (See
FAQ for more information)
-any other devices of interest, if you character has any, such as weapons, magical items, possible items for trade, etc.
[As a note, if you intend to travel by your own power and not via deal with Yuuko, it needs to be OK'ed with the mods, first. It is possible, but it will be rare.]
Sample post: [Show us your stuff! Third person, past tense please~]
Notes: [Anything you'd like to add?]
Player Name:
Player Journal:
Contact Information:
Character Name:
Character Journal:
Canon Background and Personality:
In-game occupation and/or location:
In-game Background:
Sample post:
Notes: Rules FAQ Application Taken Reserved Drop/Hiatus Mod Contact