Title: It Began with a Tie, Part 6/30 - All the right questions
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Spike, OCs.
Word Count: 500.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Sam discover one of Spike's secrets.
Written for:
flashpoint_sru, weekend prompt: glass.
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint.
Beta: The awesome
Previous chapters:
1 2 3 4 5 It Began with a Tie
All the right questions
He could do this. Yes, he could. This shouldn’t be hard… but Spike’s mom had a very interesting character and she seemed to be determined to monopolize the conversation as they danced.
“You know, there’s a spark in my son’s eyes when he looks at you. He’s a really good man, did you know that? I never expected him to be any other way. I raised him, after all.”
“You should be proud.”
She took a firm grip on his hands, holding him closer. “I am! Mickey loves to help people. But that’s not the main reason he joined the SRU.”
“It’s not?”
She shook her head. “He decided to become a cop after his father died.”
There was no way Sam could have known that. Spike was an easy-going person but he’d never talked about that - at least since Sam had joined the team. “Ah… I didn’t… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, he’s with us all the time!” Spike’s mother exclaimed, smiling. “His presence is here, protecting us. Besides, he misses my lasagna.”
Sam snorted, loving how great and confident she was. “I bet he does. It was delicious.”
Her smile was warm and her honesty made him feel safe, even if they were in the middle of the dance floor and probably being watched by everyone in the room. But suddenly, she said, “So, about that spark in Mickey’s eyes… I can see why he wants to help you. You look so sad, my dear. What’s causing you so much pain?”
The question caught Sam unguarded. “I, um…” He didn’t know what to answer and he’d rather talk about happier things than the relationship with his father.
“You’re a very good dancer, Sam. I wouldn’t mind if you were my partner on a daily basis.”
So besides being passionate and vibrant, Susanna Scarlatti was a psychic. “Wow… thanks. That’s very nice of you,” he responded, thankful that she’d decided to drop the subject.
“Don’t thank me, I’m just telling the truth,” she stated. “Everyone here’s talking about you. Vicky’s been keeping Mickey too busy, so it was impossible for him to make all the introductions. But don’t worry, I’ve already talked to them. They know exactly who Sam Braddock is.”
“Ah, good…” Sam wanted to disappear. Looking around, it looked like everyone was analyzing his responses and his interactions with Spike’s mom. He swallowed and told himself that he was starting to imagine things. People weren’t watching him, they were just having fun, and he should do that, too. He spotted Spike in a corner, talking to his brother and giving him a friendly hug.
Mrs. Scarlatti was letting him go. “Save me one more dance, caro mio!” she told Sam as she chose a new partner.
“I will, Susanna, I will,” he responded, smiling, and he wondered if he could be any more obvious about what he felt towards his own family. The Scarlatti’s had the ability to see through him like he was as transparent as glass.