Completed Projects
Drabble Battle
Fandom: Unspecified
Pairing: Unspecified
Rating: PG-13
I - Angst
II - Romance
III - Angst, Romance
IV - General
V - Fluff
Ongoing Projects
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin; Kyumin (with additional side-parings)
Rating: PG-13?
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama. High school!AU.
Summary: Kyuhyun never though 'love' was supposed to be easy.
1 ・
2 ・
3 ・
4 ・
5 ・6
(The following titles are tentative and not absolute; they are only keywords I use to differentiate each individual project.
Also, they are all DBSK.)
In-Progress Projects
Bar - Yunho/Jaejoong; PG-13. One-shot.
Cactus - Yoochun/Changmin; R. One-shot.
Hill - Yoochun/Changmin; PG. Two-shot?
Future Projects
Alike - Yoochun/Junsu; PG. One-shot.
Fables - Jaejoong/Changmin; R. Two-shot?
Line - Yunho/Jaejoong; R - NC-17. One-shot.
Rain - Unknown pairing; G. Drabble.
Scholar - Yunho/Jaejoong; R - NC-17. One-shot.
Snow - Unknown pairing; G. Drabble.