For anyone interested.... I am temporarily back in the 603... I will be here until Jan. !st at which point I go study abroad, and when I return I will be moving to Cape Cod. So for a limited time only you can still rock it out Parr stylee!
i cant stop doing random journal searches i am trapped in the WWW please someone come let me out while i should be studying and memorizing the phylogenies of so many invertebrates and instead i am sucked mindlessly into the dribble that is an unknown humans livejournal life with nothing but distaste for the things others have to say i need to go
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today i was driving and stopped at the narragansett traffic circle, and there was this red truck and i could have sworn it was being driven by one of those weird monkey things from the planet of the apes
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I recently decided that aside from being all fashionable and trendy, big sunglasses actually are likeable. Now, aside from protecting your eyes from the retina damaging UV rays of our sun, they work to my advantage in other ways
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