hey y'all. this is monique(blake's homie) taking over his lj from now on because he's too lazy to update anything around here. plus, im too lazy to make my own. so yeah.... i guess now im considered a party...man??? hmmm oh, well. beggars can't be choosers.
love, mo (the new owner of this here live journal.)
For chirstmas I got an iPod Ohio state shirt The best college some clothes and shoes and a few gift cards and of course some mouth watering chocolate! and last night i had fondue its so good awesome! Well hope everyone had a great chirstmas Blake
hey whats up party people new icon check it out Just got back fromgolden fun fun fun Played a lot of SOCOM 2 over the weekend best game ever Moved my rank up to a cookie so I'm better then 70% of the people who play the agme online whoo hoo well got stuff to do later Blake
Hey whats up party people Just got back from tyler's party it was fun Fetival was fun too but we only got to semi I'm so hard on myself i hate it but w/e overall had a good day made friends festival is really fun I can;t wait till shakespeare GO DRAMA! Blake