Yeah... I thought I was taller too. She had to use a step stool to try to get the measurement. She is not good with numbers.
This Body Mass Index method is kind of a rough estimate. It does not take into consideration the muscle to fat ratios of the body. So an athlete with a lot of tone muscle is still going be considered overweight. I'm not claiming to be an athlete, just saying there are better ways to determine BMI than just comparing height and weight. The best way is combining height, weight, volume(using water displacement) and measurements on the body using a pinching device.
Comments 9
And how are YOU of anyone overweight? I don't believe these doctors.
This Body Mass Index method is kind of a rough estimate. It does not take into consideration the muscle to fat ratios of the body. So an athlete with a lot of tone muscle is still going be considered overweight. I'm not claiming to be an athlete, just saying there are better ways to determine BMI than just comparing height and weight. The best way is combining height, weight, volume(using water displacement) and measurements on the body using a pinching device.
just kidding! you aren't fat. BMI FTL. and i also would've guessed your height as being around 7'2". but then again, most people are taller than i am.
True story!
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