This whole blogging thing is getting too tedious. Slowly withering away in its evolution of what it is, what it will turn out to be, and what it used to be, all in the deepest subconcious of my mind. So I haven't told many people yet about my so-called "Activist" movement. Yes... activist. A movement that is surely haunting me at the moment. There
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Comments 10
you should take up a hobbie, like knitting, heh heh. Sorry I pictured you in a self-knitted sweater. Maybe a book, novel, thing. You sure have enough thoughts for it.
I dunno, we haven't talked in a while, i've had a lot going on, wedding, grad, babies, getting accepted to college, not going to college all sorts of stuff. We should try and catch up some time....our talks are always interesting.
i think i'm done now....
Wedding I hear? something we may have in common. Babies are cute, not for me, but infinitely innocent and adorable. We will catch up, and have a better time than the last of watching natasha and the antics she performs in front of boys.
I know i'm done.
I say "mostly" because your grammar makes me want to cry.
*sigh* I know, I know... I'm a nerd.
PS: I might want to steal the line "pump my ethics full of lead" and stick it into a poem. If I ever do, I'll dedicate the book to you. Or, I'll pretend I wrote it all on my own and take all the credit. Yeah, that sounds easier. Thanks!
PS: Ask Protest The Hero for the rights to that line. I know, nothing original comes out of my mouth.
PSS: If I die, can you write a book dedicated to me?
PSSS: I miss you dear, have fun at BN.
I shall dedicate a book to you, living or not.
I miss you too. See me soon? Not next Saturday, though, 'cause I'll be fucking Jesse Lacey. You know how we do.
Don't fuck him too hard.
You, are disgusting, and for your lack of care for others, and lack of grace, if you were to ever approach me, i would have your head. Please, re-think what you're doing, and handle your hate in a less retarded way.
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