More musick bursting from my veins This time it was possessed Jasper would know what I mean but some songs are just possesed from the start I heard voices through the static and the vocal track kept repeating "The fire burns" Hope you all hear it in its purposed state
Hi, this is Bob again to tell you the news from Paul. He sends me emails and tells me to update this thing for him...What he doesn't know is that for every 2 things I write from his emails I make one here comes the fun
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This is Paul's friend bob. Paul isn't here so I thought that I would write something in his Livejournal because I am a shady hacker and that is what I do...
I had a name when I first discovered my magickal roots that not many knew
And that name came to light with a special woman this week a certain magick was born that I haven't seen or felt since I first found the name and I am almost in fear because she is so far away and I want her here with me now to fall asleep in that name
I can only hope that Ronald Reagan or even Richard Nixon can find their wrinkled faces right where I want them. In a filthy apartment, drunk as fuck on mad dog 20/20 with noone in the world knowing that they are so close. Drinking till sick making magick with his brother until the secret is known or the police become involved whichever comes first
these are my things and they are mine and they are so blue and I make them do as I please my little things as the spirits watch me and the colors may guide the things that I write Microsoft colors like a dim orchestra