"Necessary Force"
by Paxwolf
Welcome! Bienvenue!
Here is where you will find the many links to all parts of what I fondly term as "The Epic", a multi-chaptered JLA fanfiction novella, entitled "JLA: Necessary Force".
I've left a few notes about the story below, in terms of setting and other relevant information, so have a bit of a gander if you're interested!
Please feel free to peruse and read the fic at your leisure, and to leave a comment or even just a thought or two as you go. As always, I really very much appreciate feedback, comments, and especially constructive criticism! (go for it!)
I do hope you enjoy this story, which has been several years in the telling, and has become rather dear to my heart.
Pax :-)
Necessary Force
NOTE: This fanfiction story was originally begun some years ago, and is therefore set current to the (comic book version!) JLA lineup at the time, specifically during the Grant Morrison and Mark Waid runs on the title, and with certain details from that era still intact. It is therefore an ‘older fic’, and has taken several years to see fruition, although it has not been previously published until now. Therefore, please be aware that certain discrepancies and dated information - in terms of present DC Universe canon continuity - may still be contained within.
This story was a chance for me to play with the some of the most iconic characters in comic book fandom, as well as to try to tell a gripping, adventurous, dramatic story that would touch upon such themes as friendship, teamwork, and the true meaning of heroism and courage.
The backstory of its creation and writing can be read at the very beginning of Part I.
All Disclaimers, Thanks, Beta Credits, and Acknowledgements can be seen at the top of the story (in front of Part One) and an abbreviated version every second chapter or so thereafter. Please enjoy!
Part One:
In TerroremPart Two:
Ex HypothesiPart Three:
Strategem Part 1 Strategem Part 2Part Four:
DesideratumPart Five:
Pillar to PostPart Six:
Cormorant Part Seven:
Inferno Part 1 Inferno Part 2Part Eight:
In the Teeth of It Part 1 In the Teeth of It Part 2Part Nine:
Enfant Perdu Part 1 Enfant Perdu Part 2Part Ten:
GauntletPart Eleven:
Mere OblivionPart Twelve:
Angels and Ministers Part 1 Angels and Ministers Part 2Part Thirteen:
Parley Part 1 Parley Part 2 Parley Part 3Part Fourteen:
Sticking Place Part 1 Sticking Place Part 2 Sticking Place Part 3Part Fifteen:
Valley of the Shadow of Death Part 1 Valley of the Shadow of Death Part 2 Grateful thanks to the fabulous
mithen for the original Contents Page layout here, and to her generous partner-in-crime
damos for the two awesome custom-made "Necessary Force" icons that he created for this story. Thanks, my in-japan friends! :-)
And wow! I was gifted with a gorgeous piece of original fanart for "NF", which illustrates a scene from Part 2, "Ex Hypothesi". It's by fantastic artist
darkj3 , and was a present for my birthday on Dec. 28th. (2008) Here's the link to the lovely piece!
On the Moon, Walking in the Earthlight. (It's posted below at the end of this Contents Page too.)
And oh wow again!!! I - or rather, "JLA: Necessary Force", - seems to have won Best Story in the Gen Category of the 2007 World's Finest Awards (the WFA's) at the wonderful
worlds_finest community) and I'm still so thrilled and surprised and very, very honoured for both the nomination and the win. (and that a WIP - Work In Progress - could win at all!)
So, thanks to the awesome
sasha_anu for crafting the terrific Prize Banner for it that I've pasted in here below! :-)
And here is the art by the wonderful darkj3 for this fic! :-)