Title: The Lee - Epilogue
pdragon76Rating: PG (sailor mouths)
Genre: Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean
Spoilers: Set late Season Two, after WIAWSNB. AU for timeline and some minor canon-jiggery.
Disclaimer: It’s Kripke’s world, we’re all just living in it. *snaps fingers, points*
Summary: Wherever you go, there you are.
A/N: This fic was commissioned for Sweet
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Comments 71
Thank you for finishing this. I loved this story and always hoped that it would be finished. I didn't need to re-read the first chapters, I know them by heart. I just dove right in and it was brilliant. This is probably the last SPN story I will ever read and I can't think of a better way to end it. I feel blessed that I got to finish it. Thanks!
Thank YOU for reading. Thank you for knowing the first chapters by heart, and for investing in this story. I'm very sorry I took so long to finish it, but I'm kind of honored that you gave The Lee your last salute. *smish* From one fading SPN fangirl to another, it's been grand. Thanks for all the fish.
This was one of the best casefics I have ever read. It was engaging, so detailed I could SEE it, at times frightening, and so hurty good it made my skin hurt.
Absolutely brilliant writing. Perfect pacing. It couldn't have been written better. Seriously.
Anyway, I loved this muchly, so thank you for posting it.
This comment fills me with glee.
Thank you so much.
I was detached indeed, and I worry that it shows, but I just had to get this sucker done. I couldn't leave it unfinished. Unfinished business was the Dragons of ten years ago. It was an epic source of failure to me these past two years that I had left this fic hanging.
I can now sleep at night. Hallelujah. *\o/*
Thanks a bunch for reading, my love. Much obliged.
Thanks so much for putting in the time to finish it.
I'm pretty sure I was Catholic in another life, which explains a lot of this fic and much of the inside of my head.
FIS and I regularly have a conversation where he says: "WTF, how does your brain even get from there to there? Stop that." And I say: "Catholic. Previous life. Just ignore me and go about your business."
On the other hand, it might just reek of guilt because I took three damn years to get it done.
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