A Dragons is in need of the comforts. Can any of you lovely ladies point me in the direction of some quality Holmes!whump? Extra points for A Game of Shadows based.
Yeah, you awse, dards. Go cuzzy peeps. *points to comments*
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Comments 14
A Cold Night Out (plenty of Watson!whump over there, if you're interested)
I will take this to bed with me and devour it like a cinnamon donut. *\o/*
Thank you.
dragons, why iz you in need of the comforts? Are you/horse!Sam/FIS/job/friends doing okay?
Thanks for the concern. I will await the linkies!
Sure, she can PM me. I'm not in any way involved in that fandom, tbh, but I did love the films.
I come bearing gifts!
This is an AU (I know, I know but give it a try!) where in Sherlock is not a pompous detective but he is still a genius(and still pompous) and he's still Holmes and there is whump a plenty at one point!
Alas it is slash so if this be not your thing it will be very sad because this story despite the AU is BLOODY BRILLIANT and not to be missed.
History, Repeating Itself By the lovely and talented gyzym
Here is her description : "John Watson is a med student, a war veteran, and, by and large, a fairly sensible person. He had every chance to run."
Very funny, very USTy and tremendously well written.
(edited for atrocious coding)
*waves them onstage, makes popcorn*
This is the only one I loved enough to save so far: http://archiveofourown.org/works/313348
Meets all your requirements. Does have an OT3 (which works quite well here, though personally wouldn't have thought so to start).
Hope the hunt's succesful and the h/c will make you feel better. It often works for me too.
And yes, I don't have the heart to go hunting for decent Holmes!whump in that fandom. Dishearteningly huge and my brief forays into it have yielded very little in the way of quality gen!Holmes!whump, which is really all I'm after right now. I mean, I totally get why the slash abounds, because it abounds in the canon also, but I just kinda want some freakin' Holmes!whump right now, not the pr0ns.
That being said, excellent writing is excellent writing, and that was very, very sound writing. :) I hate to sound extremely lazy, but I basically am, so if you find anything else in your travels, could I pain you to send it my way? I'll do likewise, if I find anything I think might appeal.
What we really needs is someone who loves exactly the same thing, and has built a huge rec list: so someone who isn't lazy. :)
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