Life Imitates Fanfiction

Jul 15, 2012 13:11

A Dragons fell off horse!Sam last Wednesday and I've royally screwed up my back and hip.  Sixty billion x-rays and ultrasounds later, I'm told I have a grade 2 tear of the gluteus medius muscle near where it joins the ilium.  So basically I fell off my horse and ACTUALLY busted the right-hand top middle of my ass. Between the squished nerves and ( Read more... )

horse!sam, rl, things which are craptastic

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Comments 36

pedx July 15 2012, 08:01:17 UTC
Let me find my spare bottle of Vicodin! It's around here somewhere! Barring that, about eight shots of tequila puts me in a happy, sleepy place.


pdragon76 July 16 2012, 02:51:55 UTC
I can't even get drunk, damn it!


pedx July 16 2012, 03:55:40 UTC
WE'RE NOT MISSING ANYTHING. The Vicodin might come in handy though.


schweedie July 15 2012, 08:15:47 UTC
Oh, you poor thing! I'm all too familar with nerve pain and ilium issues, and I'll second what others have said - ice, ice, ice, alternated with heat after a while. Cold is the best when the pain is nerve related, but like lilacsigil says it's all about distracting the nerve from sending pain signals, so confuse the hell out of it as much as you can by using different methods. Any chance you could get a TENS unit from your doctor?


pdragon76 July 16 2012, 02:56:13 UTC
Schweedie, I knew you'd have some ideas! How are YOUR issues going? Have you found anything that keeps you going?

I'm headed to the acupuncturist tonight to see if they can make a dent. I know backs are stupid weirdy things and when injuries get a rattle it can take weeks for them to settle down and start behaving again, so I'm not at panic stations yet, but it's really making life difficult at the moment. Bone and muscle pain, I can power on through. No problem. But nerve pain? Holy cow, that mother is a bitch that will not be ignored. If I had a penny for every time I've shouted: HOLYMOTHERFUCKINGHELLJESUSFUCK mid-sentence because I moved a fraction of an inch to the left or right, I'd be able to afford a new spine.


schweedie August 12 2012, 13:23:54 UTC
WOW, do I suck at replying in a timely fashion. *g*

My issues are still ongoing, but my chiropractor is a freakin' godsend. My body doesn't respond equally well every time, but there's almost always an improvement after I've been for an adjustment. After I went to the cinema one day my body threw a complete tantrum and I needed adjustments three days in a row - and after the one day my back finally started co-operating again. It's a huge relief to have somewhere to go when stuff like that happens, I don't know what I did without her.

And the most amazing thing? She hasn't charged me for ages! "I know how little you earn," she says. "It'd be like taking candy from a child. You can start paying when you get a proper salary." And they say chiros are quacks who're only after your money.

How are you doing now? Is your nerve behaving? I hope acupuncture did the trick for you!


pdragon76 August 19 2012, 01:13:30 UTC
I am so so so glad to hear you've found a wonderful chiropractor who can work with you AND your bank account! I miss my chiropractor. The nature of the damage I did to my L5 disc a few years back means no chiropractor will touch me anymore. *epic sadface* I've been to a few since and they all take one look at my X-rays and say: "What a lovely picture of a herniated disc imposing on a sacral nerve. Next ( ... )


kimmer1227 July 15 2012, 10:06:09 UTC
Dean Winchester will not be mocked! :)

Sorry about your sore butt. Your earlier suggestions sound right.

Didn't you break your ass last year? Do you have something against your ass? Hidden resentments, perhaps? What did your ass ever do to you to deserve such abuse!

When you recover from this, and you will. Take your ass out to dinner and a movie. Buy it flowers. Squeeze it now and then. Make it feel how much you love and appreciate it. Be nice to your damn ass!

I miss you and your ass. :)


pdragon76 July 16 2012, 02:59:51 UTC
When did I break my ass last year? I've forgotten! Although horse-riders do have a predisposition to land on their asses, so a busted ass is no big deal in horseyland.

Can't I get someone else to take my ass out to dinner and buy it flowers and squeeze it and make it feel loved and appreciated? That sounds way more fun than just me doing it.

My ass misses you also. Maybe YOU should take my ass out and buy it flowers. But maybe don't squeeze it because that might get awkward... Okay, maybe just a little squeeze. *\o/*


el1ie July 15 2012, 11:15:59 UTC
You broke your ass? Only you ( ... )


pdragon76 July 16 2012, 03:09:10 UTC
Ellie, I used to SWEAR by my chiro. Omg, I loved that man. He was so awesome and I adored getting a good cracking. But no chiro will touch me here in Perth since I damaged my L5 a few years back. They all look at the X-rays and go: "Whoa," *hands in air* "I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. You're on your own, lady. Good luck finding someone who's not going to make that worse ( ... )


el1ie July 16 2012, 08:41:34 UTC
Yeah, I thought it might be that scenario with you and chiros - backs are bloody tricksy ( ... )


may7fic July 15 2012, 15:02:14 UTC
I swear. That's Dean laughing at you and most definitely not me. I live with chronic back pain and herniate disks as a hobby apparently. No fun. I swear by ice: 20 mins, on, 20 mins, off, etc. The nerve confusion comments above make sense to me though, as do muscle relaxants so that everything doesn't tighten up (worse) around the injury.

I've never tried it but acupuncture sounds like a good option.

You have my sympathy. Hope horse!Sam isn't feeling too terribly guilty ;).


pdragon76 July 16 2012, 03:14:43 UTC
I have a horrible feeling that a Dragons on muscle relaxants might be really, really bad for the world.

I'm gonna try the acupuncturist tonight and see what happens. Ice seems to be making my L5 feel better, but massively aggravating the actual nerve pain, so I don't know wtf is up with that. Usually ice works a treat, but maybe my ass injury is interfering, idk.

Horse!Sam did not look as though he felt guilty in the least. Although he did walk/trot nicely for me when I hopped back on for five minutes, as per The Rules. Which is a good thing, because I was gritting my teeth and wanting to weep the whole time. Lol.


may7fic July 16 2012, 22:51:23 UTC
Hope things went well with the acu. I know what trying to function in that kind of constant, intense pain is like. I bet even Dean might have a little sympathy for you ;)

Hang in there!


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