(no subject)

Mar 07, 2010 12:13

You are just the cutest thing ever!
Yes you are! Yes you are [[ CLAIM HERE ]]

Claims List:

I. Animanga
Axis Powers Hetalia
Gilbird | rushedtraffic

Cardcaptor Sakura
Kero | hikaristar007
Suppi (Spinel Sun) | neurotripsy

D.N. Angel
Wiz | chanime

Sadaharu | darklogic09

Gundam 00
Haro | kishitanishinra

Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Bester [Besta] | mintchocoberry
Enzio | galuxkitty
Hibird | cloud_vongola
Kojirou | katsumeragi
Leone de Cielo Vongola Version [Nuts] | yuukichrome
Mukuro Owl | roronoa_zoro69
Porcospino Nuvola Porcospino Nuvola [Cloud Hedgehog] | strifekun
Uri | skylark_90

Ginsei | nevermeltice
Ioryogi | osaka01

Akamaru | littlenym

Kuroneko | endbehaviour

Monkona Modoki | _moenokori

II. Video Games
Final Fantasy
Choco the Chocobo | mizu_takeshi
Mog | braver
Nono | feelingofdoubt

Legend of Zelda
Gyorg | meuniere

Koromaru | harumi_san

Buneary | mey_mey_chu
Chikorita | whisperings
Croagunk | spaekle
Drifloon | mist_ball
Espeon | caterfree10
Lucario | captnjak
Lugia | keiji_miashin
Luxray | mindlessmoron
Pikachu | cha_siu_bau
Piplup | chase_chan
Raichu | harumi_san
Raticate | ink_kee
Riolu | captnjak
Shaymin [Regular Form] | diamondsphere
Skitty | feralspirited
Squirtle | uchimaki_always
Togepi | azn_trang
Turtwig | asarieluchis
Umbreon | musa_winxfairy

Tales of Abyss
Mieu | ligust_dactna

Tales of Symphonia
Verius | galuxkitty

Thousand Arms
Damashi | deatheaterjera

III. TV Shows/Movies
Alice in Wonderland
Cheshire Cat | nekovampluna

IV. Books
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Princess Arjumand | melissa_42

V. Other


☆ This is a creatures/critters/monsters/mascots blog crew.
☆ Humanoid summons and spirits count. [ie: Shiva, Zabimaru, Amidamaru, etc]
☆ Characters like Liz or Patty (Soul Eater) don't count.
☆ Some characters have alternate forms. Alternate forms count as different characters and can be claimed as such. [ie: Kero and Keroberos. Chocobo, Black Chocobo, Golden Chocobo, etc]
☆ 'Monsters' found in any type of game, as long as they are 'monsters'/'creatures', count.
☆ Pets of Actors/Singers/Famous people are allowed. But not your pets. Or random animals. Or all the dogs in the world. Then it gets complicated.
☆ One claim per user, watchers get two. shameless
☆ Please post the full name the creature as well as the fandom/series.
☆ Take the code only after your claim has been added.
☆ Please post 'Animal Parade' in your subject


You are just the cutest thing ever!
Yes you are! Yes you are http://community.livejournal.com/peachallegretto/8052.html">[[ CLAIM HERE ]]

!misc, misc:blogcrew

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