Virtually nothing is known of the mysterious entity called Captain Falcon save the fact that he comes from a city called Port Town and is rumored to have gained his “Captain” title from being a former officer in the Internova Police Force.
He’s achieved incredible fame on the racing circuit (winning the F-Zero Grand Prix several times), as well as a solid reputation as a successful bounty hunter. Unfortunately, said reputation has secured him numerous enemies and rivals who would be all too glad to take him down. To counter this, he lives and practices racing in seclusion on a chain of private islands. Solitude gives him security, but effectively traps him in his profession.
And that’s where the school comes in. Life in the fast lane (no pun intended) can get pretty tiring, even for those like Falcon who live for the action. Starting to think that maybe he was past his bounty hunting (and to a lesser extent, racing) prime, he began to look for job opportunities that would put his skills to use (and not bore him to tears). Smash Academy seemed to be a logical answer.
And surprisingly, they hired him.
Name: Captain Douglas Jay Falcon
What you should call him: Captain. Or Falcon. Or some combination of the two. Doug is special privileges only. His first name is not necessarily common knowledge, but you might figure it out if you pay attention.
Things he doesn't let people call him but they do anyway: Douglas, Dougie, Dougie Jay, DJ. Not allowed.
Game/Series: F-Zero
Canon point: Post F-Zero GX
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Falcon has been around the block a few times and has arguably done more than his fair share of experimenting.
Relationship Status: Dating
icequeen_aran since
Age: 40
Birthday: 4/10/2532 (1971)*
Western Zodiac: Aries
Blood Type: A+
Height: 6'3" (190.5 cm)
Weight: 220-230 lbs. (99.8-104 kg)
Hair: Brown. Leans to the red side if you're really specific about your shades of brown. Thick, straight, and greying just a little if you look close enough. He has something of a minor widow's peak and is extremely proud of his excellent sideburns.
Eyes: Brown
. A really boring brown, too.
Occupation: Freelance bounty hunter. F-Zero Racer #07. Poster boy. Physics teacher. Football coach. In that order.
Living arrangements: An off-campus apartment in Final Destination. Master bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, smaller extra room that has since become Ionia's bedroom. He lives on the second floor of the complex. It is your standard bachelor pad. As of April 2010, however, he is looking to move.
An abandoned but refurbished
firehouse that he shares with one Samus Aran. It's still very much under construction, but it has become sort of a pet project. He likes sliding down the old fire poles. They put a
hot tub on the roof.
He still has his other place of residence, which is an
island off the coast of Port Town and functions more like a
base of operations. As of recently, he doesn’t live there regularly but a guy has to keep his spaceship somewhere. There is a
small living area but the place is dwarfed by his hangar and practice racetracks that occupy nearby islands. The entire complex is mostly underground, hidden from view, and has security out the ass. Only a handful of people know the place exists, and even less actually know how to get there.
It is very much a batcave.
Though he doesn't live there, Falcon also has a small
garage hidden away in Mute City.
*Falcon comes from the future, sort of. The technology he is used to vastly outclasses anything at SBG, and he finds the school and many of the surrounding cities/countries extremely primitive. He considers his residence in Final Destination to be less time time travel and more two places using two different dating systems--lots of space travel has led him to believe that time is relative, anyway. When asked, he'll probably say he was born in 1971, just to avoid freaking people out. For all racing and bounty hunting-related activities, however, he'll use the star date.
I am aware this is retconning some earlier SBG canon back when all series had to exist in the same universe/timeline. PLEASE FORGIVE THOSE PARTICULAR INCONSISTENCIES.
General appearance:
"Huge" is a good word to start with when it comes to describing Falcon's physicality. He stands very tall and has an incredibly imposing, muscular build that screams "I will kick your ass into next Tuesday."
Other than that, he's white as Wonderbread--Caucasian and a little on the pale side (space will do that to you)--and pretty boring with the helmet off. Falcon's hair is dark brown and rather untidy because he cuts it himself. It's shorter in the front with sideburns and a bang-thing going on, and longer in the back been shaved off (April 2010) and is slowly but surely growing back in. His eyes are also brown, and his facial features are sharp, angular, and severe. A perpetual scowl is more or less engraved on his face in the form of some premature wrinkle action, especially noticeable under his eyes.
buttchin Distinguishing features: Falcon has a scar that cuts through his left eyebrow, a result and reminder of a devastating F-Zero accident. Recent acquisitions include two bullet scars from an encounter with Black Shadow in June 2009, one on his left shoulder, the other on his right side. His forearms and hands are noticeably burnt and scarred from years of training himself to do ridiculous things like punch through concrete and stick his limbs in fireplaces.
His career(s) kind of make it a given that he has accumulated an extensive and impressive collection of
various scars. (ranging from surgical scars burns to bullet holes to puncture/stab wounds and everything in between) in varying places and of varying size and age but they’re just kind of there and not really all that important.
It is impossible to tell (surgical scars aside), but the accident also left Falcon with a little bit of adamantium cybernetics and stainless steel where organic material should be. The implants do not enhance his function at all and were inserted to replace things damaged beyond repair. Think artificial joints and things like that.
He is allergic to bees.
Sounds like:
Take your pick. Wardrobe: Composed entirely of t-shirts and jeans, punctuated by track suits, leather jackets, and fingerless (fireproof) yellow gloves. When it gets colder, he'll break out a turtleneck or sweater. Under leather jackets. Most everything he owns is custom, and a good deal of said jackets and t-shirts have some kind of emblem on them. Shoes-wise, he tends to favor a pair of trusty red running sneakers. Often-worn colors are blue, yellow, orange, red, white, black, brown, and the occasional green. Sometimes all at once. Anything more dressed-up than a blazer and a button-down is highly unlikely. He likes yellow scarves and high collars and popping said collars and has a pretty bad habit of dressing like he's still 25.
His racing/bounty hunting getup is made entirely of space spandex fireproof. His helmet is equipped with some fun exciting gadgets like a night vision/thermal visor, a communicator, and a device to remotely control his vehicles. It also serves as his primary method of identity protection.'s a little impractical to go around a school setting in space spandex and a helmet, so he compensates for this by wearing a pair of large, dark sunglasses at all times. It is a privilege to see the entirety of his face.
The Captain/
The Good Captain |
Jerk with a Heart of Gold and by extension,
Jerkass Facade |
Becoming the Mask |
Heroic Neutral |
Bare Fisted Monk |
Big Damn Hero |
Bounty Hunter |
Papa Wolf |
Bad Ass and, of course, the sub-tropes
Bad Ass Driver and
Cool Shades/
Cool Helmet |
I Work Alone |
Jade Colored Glasses |
Good is Not Nice |
Bi the Way |
Playing with Fire |
Scars are Forever/
Good Scars Evil Scars |
Car-Fu |
Cool Car/
Cool Starship |
Scarf of Asskicking Personality: Extremely intimidating at first glance...and second glance, Falcon is no-nonsense; he means business and tends to take everything a little too seriously. He’s an enigmatic loner, (taking great efforts to conceal his personal information), and is inclined to be extremely paranoid (though not without reason, his bounty hunting career has gained him a substantial number of enemies), but generally he is an amicable guy, if not a bit arrogant...okay, a LOT arrogant (He is the best at what he does and he knows it) and VERY eccentric. He’s far from moronic but is oblivious and impulsive at times; possibly the result of his own goal-oriented mindset and not-so-minor self-absorption. This tends to make him come off as much dumber than he actually is; In reality, Falcon is surprisingly intelligent and intuitive, though he does tend to let his own ego get in the way of this (he always thinks the song is about him, if you pardon the Carly Simon reference). He may or may not think he is somewhat invincible, and this, combined with an inclination to be headstrong, gets him in trouble. A lot. But it's nothing he can't handle.
Naturally competitive, he is loud, cocky and reckless, usually choosing a high-risk approach to difficult situations with the hope of high return. However, his bold, never-say-die attitude, incredible tenacity and refusal to back down can prove to be a great asset and inspiration, not only on the racetrack, but on the playing field as well. As a teacher and coach, he truly wants his students to succeed, and is a supportive, dependable leader to turn to in times of trouble. It’s in these instances where he displays a stoic determination and efficiency that allows him to get the job done.
When Falcon concentrates his efforts, he suddenly becomes incredibly focused and controlled, not stopping until the goal is reached. He is ruthlessly efficient and extremely thorough. It takes a lot to make him panic (like...oh, say, a spider mech latching onto his ship and
gutting it in midair), but when that happens, be prepared for lots of yelling and cursing and carrying on.
Where other people are concerned, he has the emotional capacity of a thirteen-year-old. His paranoid nature makes it difficult for him to build and maintain healthy relationships, romantic and platonic alike. Smash Academy has caused him to let his guard down quite a bit, for better or for worse. However, he can put his guard back up just as easily, and is no stranger to eliminating people from his life without a second thought, especially if it means protecting himself. Falcon has a tendency to be extremely bitter, cynical and jaded, underneath a jerkass facade of flashiness and bravado. Finally, he has a volatile temper and though he usually manages to keep his emotions in check, he has definite berserk buttons that are incredibly unwise to press.
If one gets past all that, however...he's actually a decent guy. Really. It's difficult to get beyond the front he puts up and general douchebaggery, but once he considers you a close friend he can be very open and surprisingly considerate. He has fierce protective instincts and can even exhibit paternal tendencies at times. He's reliable and is always willing to lend his talents if the need arises. Though his morals are a little shaky, Falcon does have his own strange code of honor in the sense that he sticks to his guns and refuses to back down. He will risk his life for his friends.
So I promise he's a good guy. He's just kind of a douche.
(+) Reliable.
Falcon's the kind of guy you want on your side. He's dependable, protective, tenacious and absolutely refuses to back down.
(+) Protective.
Papa Wolf to the extreme. Threaten someone or something he values and he will rip your face off.
(+) Combat-wise:
He hits fast and hard. He's ambidextrous with a gun and is a good shot.
(-) Ego the size of Montana.
Falcon is incredibly self-absorbed. He tends to think he's the best thing since sliced bread, and that the world revolves around him. This makes him come off as much dumber than he actually is--the ego tends to get in the way of logical thinking.
(-) He's a big fat jerk.
Seriously. Falcon's bitter, insensitive and kind of a dick. He can be pretty scathing, blunt, and purposefully insulting if he puts his mind to it.
(-) King of the one-night stand.
He doesn't think much of sex beyond the fact that he really really likes to have it. If you're looking for emotional attachment, eight times out of ten you're not going to find it with this guy.
(-) Hubris like woah.
Pride is one of his biggest pitfalls. He'll often keep things (humiliating or otherwise) secret or outright lie to maintain his sense of pride. Often this just makes him end up with egg on his face, but it becomes more serious when things like bullet wounds are involved.
In booze. It happens frequently.
(-) Combat-Wise:
His style tends to lean towards sloppy and reckless, which costs him a lot in a fight. He has to be in close quarters to land powerful hits.
Habits/Mannerisms/Common Expressions: Falcon tends to always look displeased about something. It's not that he is, it's just a default expression that he naturally settles into. Another favorite expression is the smirk. You have to be very close to him to get a full-on, sincere smile. He's an expert at the low-lidded glare and also has the amazing ability to raise one eyebrow.
He has a bigger vocabulary than you might expect. Not anything fancy or overly pretentious, but enough to let you know he's at least reasonably intelligent. Despite this, his speech is very informal and he swears a lot, to the point where he has to make a conscious effort to censor himself during class or on TV.
Falcon is a bit fidgety and has trouble sitting still. He often taps his fingers or writing utensils, or bounces a foot while sitting.
Likes: Racing. Drinking. Being a douche. Working out. Spoiling Ionia. Bothering Samus. Bursting into Ollie's office unannounced. His car. His spaceship. Punching things. Having his ego stroked. Winning the Grand Prix. Privacy.
Dislikes: Losing. Being humiliated. Being humiliated by Samus. Black Shadow. Paparazzi. Crazy fans. Being wrong. People trying to kill him.
Goals: Right now, he just kind of wants to get on with his life without people trying to kill him or clone him or force him into elaborate death traps. Falcon also wants to be remembered. He can't stand the thought of becoming washed-out and fading into obscurity, and his solution to this is to plan to go out as explosively as he possibly can.
Fears: Not death, that's for sure. He is terrified of losing the life for himself he built at the school. The worst thing ever would be people he cares about getting hurt and/or killed because of him.
Beliefs: Falcon is staunchly atheist. He may have, at one point, believed in a God but ultimately he lives in a world where science rules, and maintains these values even in the face of characters like Pit and Arceus. He finds it a little hard to put faith in a higher power when someone went and made an exact copy of him. In a test tube, probably.
Hobbies: Racing, bounty hunting, being a douche. Tinkering with car parts. Techno-geeking. Space travel.
Color: Blue.
Food: Cereal.
Drink: 7-Up.
Music: If it was made in the 70s or 80s, he probably likes it an awful lot.
Band: Guns n' Roses.
Movie: Fight Club.
Season: Fall
Birthplace: Port Town is and was a massive center for intergalactic trade. It's a coastal city and very dense, full of skyscrapers and spaceports and regular ports. An F-Zero track snakes above the city, along with floating complexes and docking bays.
Education: Falcon went to public elementary, middle and high schools like your average city kid. He was the kind of student who needed a constant outlet for his energy and would have done really well if he’d applied himself. He ended up going through school as a very distracted individual that pulled mostly C’s and honestly…wasn’t anything special.
He never went to college and instead joined a police academy after graduating high school. Falcon trained for two years before becoming a full-fledged member of the force. It was another year before he entered Internova.
Relatives: Mother: DJ was a difficult child, to put it likely. That's where mom comes in. She was patient to a fault and more than willing to provide ickle Deej with the attention that he craved and reassure him that he was a special and unique snowflake. As a result…he was kind of a mama’s boy. He still is.
After quitting Internova, Falcon cut everyone out of his life, including his mother and they were estranged for nearly a decade under the pretense that if his enemies knew who she was, they would use her to get to him. As of April 2009, she is back in his life for better or for worse and she worries about him an awful lot.
Father: (Deceased) Falcon is more like his dad then he wants to admit. A mechanic for the massive variety of intergalactic vehicles that passed through Port Town, he worked long hours in the shop and unwound at the bar. Falcon really only grasped what went on in hindsight. Though his mother resent his father's habit, she was, as previous stated, patient to a fault. But as Falcon grew up, he became more and more aware of just how much it wore his mom down.
In high school, Falcon worked part-time in the shop, where he learned everything he knew about how cars go, mostly by observation and example. He always felt closer to his mother, mostly because his other parent tended to be rather absent. Not bad, but not the best, and Falcon didn't fully understand what his father was doing after work until he started doing it himself. He died when Falcon was nineteen.
Backstory: Once upon a time in the faraway land of Port Town there was born a child named Douglas Jay Lastnamewithheld. He had a mullet and some form of ADD and a relatively ordinary family life and was captain of the track team in high school or something. Upon graduating, he opted to skip out on real college and go straight to the Galactic Space Federation's (not to be confused with the GF) Police Academy. After finishing training at age 20, he entered the force and did a lot of paper pushing/sitting around/getting coffee spilled on him by that insufferable intern Tanaka/minor missions, but still showed an incredible amount of promise.
Dougie Jay showed enough promise at 21 to be promoted to Internova, the GSF's elite team of officers. One of the youngest to be accepted into the force (along with one Antonio Guster), he jumped at the chance to prove himself and was assigned to Team Seraphim, specially created upon his induction to deal with a dangerous drug trafficking circuit. The team, quite frankly, was composed of four douchebags, but DJ was lucky enough to be partnered with the hot chick capable Lisa Guster, the two of them working alongside her brother Antonio and a certain Samurai Goroh. It was here that the young man received a code name that would stick for the rest of his life, for better or worse.
Despite initial tensions, the four complemented each other extremely well and, after the success of their first mission, they went on to become veritable superstars of Internova. There was no task this team couldn't handle, no one they couldn't take down.
Things were good for the next five years or so. Team Seraphim continued to kick ass and take names. Goroh and Lisa got married. Doug...excuse me...Falcon (because by this point everyone called him that) was so good at being a cop they slapped Captain in front of his name. Yep. It was good to be an Internova officer.
But what goes up must come down. And two years after Dai Goroh was born, Lisa was sent on an individual mission and didn't come back. The other three members of the team were devastated. Goroh and Antonio took it much harder than Falcon did, of course, and men who were once by-the-book cops turned vicious, taking down criminals with violence Falcon had never seen from them before. Eventually, his sense of duty got the better of him, and the Captain was forced to turn in his best friends for acts of police brutality.
The investigation that followed was swift. Goroh and Antonio were unceremoniously booted from the force, and when they found out their best friend and partner of eight years was the one responsible for it...well...let's just say there was a really ugly falling out. Falcon never really forgave himself for what happened to Lisa or for being the reason his friends were removed from Internova in disgrace, and he erased his records, turned in his own badge and left not long after, at age 29.
It was Captain Falcon from then on. He knew where he wanted to go from here, so anything that connected him to Doug Lastnamewithheld was destroyed. The transition was easier than he expected, and the near-complete effacing of who he was before joining the force was swift and final, to the point where no one would even know his face.
Falcon turned to independent bounty hunting after that, and proved to be very, very good at it. His own ability and remaining connections with members of the GSF gave him a startling advantage in the field, and in a very short amount of time he had built quite a reputation. Unfortunately, it was enough of a reputation for him to come to the attention of a lot of scum, from mafias to gangs to smugglers to drug rings to crime lords and so on. The Captain swiftly found that being good at bounty hunting meant suddenly having a lot of people that wanted to kill you, which of course, he had expected and anticipated. On the plus side, being good at bounty hunting also meant you made A LOT of money.
It was about then Falcon took to racing casually on an amateur circuit in his spare time. Things hadn’t really gotten to the point where EVERYONE AND THEIR GRANDMOTHER wanted him dead, so he found himself working on a car in his spare time, especially with talk of the formation of an actual racing league. He never really thought of making it a career but it swiftly became something he loved. So when the first F-Zero Grand Prix was announced, of course he participated. And at 30 years old, he proved to be very, VERY good at that too.
Falcon rose straight to the top of the league and stayed there, swiftly becoming somewhat of a poster boy, especially after winning the first Grand Prix. Which, of course, only made his enemies hate him more. And much to his chagrin, he found himself reacquainted with a certain old friend. What was once a falling out became a bitter rivalry only made worse by publicity. Over the next two and a half years, as he continued to race, Falcon was forced to withdraw more and more as his enemies took to the racetrack as well and began to make attempts on his life. It was nothing Falcon couldn’t handle of course. Besides, he was famous, respected, feared by criminals, earned ridiculous amounts of money and was safe on his little chain of private islands (which he bought with said ridiculous amounts of money). All in all, Falcon really didn’t have much to complain about.
Somewhere along the line, Falcon pissed off a really important guy in the F-Zero underground. He thwarted Black Shadow's plans left and right, not realizing how angry he was making him. It came to a head when the bounty hunter put away one Jay Gonzo Snaky, Black Shadow's friend and confidant.
He was 32 when the accident happened (late 2003). No one is sure how it occurred, or if foul play was involved (as of late 2009, Black Shadow has informed Falcon that he was indeed responsible for it), but out of everyone participating in the race, only Super Arrow crossed the finish line. Falcon barely made it out alive and was very lucky to have survived at all, albeit left comatose with near fatal injures.
Nevertheless, and somewhat miraculously, he was able to make a full recovery and found himself back in the swing of things before mid-2004 (age 33). Aaaand that’s when things started to suck. F-Zero was suspended indefinitely, fine. He always had his bounty hunting. Unfortunately, the instant he stepped back in the game, he found himself pursued by a psychotic doppleganger. Falcon quickly learned that while he was unconscious in the hospital, that dick Black Shadow took the opportunity to steal his DNA and subsequently create a clone whose only purpose was (and is) to off the original.
Falcon was, understandably, horrified, and with F-Zero suspended, he fled and withdrew completely from the public eye, only leaving his solitude to hunt bounty. Slowly it dawned on him that perhaps he was nearing the "past his prime" point, and that more people than ever wanted him dead, so he began to look for other options, not so much for another job opportunity as a place to hide.
SumaBura was the answer, and he joined the staff as physics teacher in 2004. The next few years were rather uneventful. Races were still suspended, Falcon would still hunt bounty on occasion and he had several more unfortunate run-ins with the batshit clone, but the important part was that no one knew what he was doing or where he was when he wasn't bringing in criminals. And as time went on, he went out less and less.
F-Zero was reinstated in early 2007 (F-Zero X). Now 36, Falcon found himself juggling three careers...but at the same time becoming more and more attached to the school. Over the next few years, madcap adventures ensued, including but not limited to age-reversal, body-swapping, gender bending, dethroning the Pig King, missions to space, high school drama, and falling in love (twice!). And that brings us to summer 2010, present time for SBG (and F-Zero GX game canon-wise). Falcon has just turned 39 and has, for the most part, moved completely into FDC. He still races and keeps tabs on potential targets but rarely does any actual bounty hunting. He still tries to balance things, however, and takes great efforts to keep his primary career separate (and secret) from his teaching (and vice-versa).
It doesn't really work very well. Blood Falcon showed up and left. Black Shadow showed up and left after getting his ass handed to him by Arceus. Falcon does not know if either of them are alive and figures that only time will tell.
Abilities: Falcon is military-trained in several styles of martial arts that have, over the years, become a sort of on-fire mixture of kung fu and street brawling (this is the part where I cite Wikipedia).
He has the strange ability to set himself on fire and punch things with great force. It's very limited--he can only set himself on fire, he cannot project the flames or ignite objects remotely, and if he comes in contact with an outside source of fire, he burns just like anyone else. He has, however, figured out that if he is already on fire, he cannot be harmed by preexisting fire.
The Blue Falcon: This is a very fancy race car that he loves more than you. It's actually the second version of the vehicle--the first was destroyed beyond repair in the Horrific Grand Finale, one of the engines stolen in the aftermath (it was put into #25 Hell Hawk). It's flashy and huge and tops out at about 2000 km/h. Seeing as it's his primary mode of transportation, he's modified it more recently to give it some of the features of an actual car, most notably, a rather cramped back seat.
The Falcon Flyer: This is a very fancy space ship that he also loves more than you. The original Falcon Flyer was destroyed by Black Shadow in June 2009. It has since been rebuilt, and the Flyer 2.0 is kept in a hangar on his lovely little island base. It's used for bounty hunting missions and is primarily a transport trip, but it has a weapons and shielding system, should the need arise. He's recently installed a hologram system for the AI.
AN MOTORCYCLE: Acquired June 2010. It's black. He's modifying it. Soon enough it will have G-Diffusers and be fuel-gel capable.
GUNS: Falcon's favorite pistol has both bullet and laser capabilities. He keeps it with him at all times. You never know when someone will up and kill you, so he also has a handgun hidden in his office desk.
Grapple beam glove: Received as a gift from Samus. It is exactly what it sounds like.
Other Information:
Secrets: Everything. Falcon is very very secretive. Some people know of his bounty hunting career, but for the most part, he prefers to keep that, along with his space-faring tendencies, under wraps.
Daily routine. Ten facts. I will add more things as they come up!
This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character), activity.
Backtagging: Definitely! I usually track all the threads I'm involved in, but if it's an especially old log, you might want to poke me about it anyway.
Threadhopping/Threadjacking: Ask first, just to make sure I don't have plans for the thread. Usually, though, I'm cool with it.
Fourthwalling: Within reason. No canon puncture, please. Falcon does not know he is a video game character nor does he know he is actually in an RP game, and I would like to keep it that way.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): It's pretty hard to squick/offend me. I'm bitter and jaded. 8(
Things Falcon will let your characters do or not do. This is not to say that I do not want your characters to do such things. When in doubt, ask me!
Hugging: Go for it. Don't expect one in return.
Kissing: You are a brave soul to try, but with obvious exceptions, Falcon will probably not take kindly to it.
Flirting: Why not. A little flirting never hurt anyone.
Fighting: He'll punch back. It might be on fire.
Injury: Goes hand in hand with fighting! He'll hurt you back. I am pretty much fine with any level of injury as long as we clear it up OOC first. I'm not adverse to your dude tearing Falcon's limbs off and beating him with them, but I'd like to know first.
Killing: Let's not. If you have an idea for a death plot, though, I'd be open to hearing it.
Sex/Rape: Uhhh. Ask me first, we'll work something out.
Telepathy/Mind reading: Falcon has no psychic ability and therefore will not be able to detect mind reading. He won't like it if he does find out, and telepathy is a little weird to him. Having people talking to you in your head is weird.
Vandalism: I, the mun respectfully request that any potential vandals stay away from the car. He loves it too much. Everything else is fair game with OOC permission but it will get you a rather angry Falcon.
Hacking: Occasionally Falcon will make entries that are slightly hackable, meaning that if you are a little bit tech-savvy you can go ahead and *~*see what's inside*~*. I never put information in a hackable entry that I do not want other characters to know.
Touchy subjects: The accident, batshit clone, his parents (dad especially), Goroh and by extension, Internova.
Berserk buttons: Threaten or hurt any and all of the following: Samus, Ionia, Jeff. It is a good recipe for some unbridled rage.
Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!-------
TEMPLATE! Feel free to yoink! Credit to
t0_th3_m00n will probably make me smile.
Prefers to be called:
Western Zodiac:
Blood Type:
Dominant Hand:
Living arrangements: -------
General appearance:
Distinguishing features:
Sounds like:
Wardrobe: -------
Habits/Mannerisms/Common Expressions:
etc. etc. -------
Backstory: -------
Possessions: -------
Other Information:
Post memes, links to questionnaires, whatever you want here!-------
Telepathy/Mind reading:
Touchy subjects:
Berserk buttons: