I guess everything that I do is wrong. no matter how innocent it seems. I fuck everything up. I can't manage the simplist of tasks. or say the right things.
I am a blonde again. I feel reborn into my former self. Innocent and yet corrupt but not corrupt pretending to be innocent...if that makes any sense at all. I want to peel off my skin and let you wear it so you can touch your hands with mine and see what it does to me.
how I crave to part rivers and play in your reflection skulk in your shadow.
I made a wish on a dandelion seed puff thingy yesterday. It was a good wish, I think its coming true. love, love, love is in the air and i'm dancing in it barefoot in the grass while my lover breathes breathless and i'll capture his essence in a jar until it's mine and i'll keep it safe within my heart for good this time.
I have never been in a place where I was just so confused and unsure of whether I was wanted or not. Usually it's pretty clear, and usually i'm not wanted to hang around. But I am not the person I was. I am someone better, I love, burn, cry, and melt for you. I wanna sew us back together. like the ragdoll we're made to exist as. xoxo