Interesting, and yeah, flattering (although I don't quite understand all the tech speak in the explanation).
pegkerr's LiveJournal popularity rating is 6.34/10.
pegkerr is more popular than 99.983% of all LiveJournal users.
pegkerr is more popular than 96.7% of their mutual friends.
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How many users, and how many of those are active?
* Total accounts: 9931344
* ... active in some way: 1991293
* ... that have ever updated: 6727763
* ... updating in last 30 days: 1310048
* ... updating in last 7 days: 811868
* ... updating in past 24 hours: 220549
I think the writer of this algorithm maybe should cull the 1/3 of all LJ accounts that have never updated for these "pop" numbers to be statistically meaningful in any way.
Being folks who post, with LJ reading-buddies who post, we're bound to get above average numbers as it currently stands. still, it amuses.
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