Fic: 5X Immortal!Dean Met Meta!Chloe. Chapter 2: Never In A Million

Sep 13, 2007 11:36

 Title: 5 Times Immortal!Dean met Meta!Chloe. 
Chapter: Never In a Million (2/5)
strangevisitor7, Chapters: 1, 3 & 5 and 
pen37 , Chapters: 2, 3 & 4. 
Fandoms:Highlander, Supernatural & Smallville 
Characters: Dean, Sam, Chloe, Duncan, Methos and mentions of just about everyone else 
Pairings: Chloe/Sam, Chloe/Dean (although only hints of either).
Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators. 
Rating: PG 
Summary These stories cross the two worlds we created. This collection starts about 1 year after "Waiting on The World to Change" in the Immortal!Dean series and spans time far into the future beyond the last Chloe and the Immortals story, "The One Left behind."

The original series can be found here: Immortal!Dean and Chloe and the Immortals
  Chapter1: When First We Met
Chapter 2: Never in a million

A/N: this is also being submitted as part of Pen37's Crossovers_100 challenge.  Prompt #20 Colourless (Chloe and Sam clear the air).  The table is here.

"So . . . Duncan and I are just going to go . . . Take care of that thing."

Chloe looked up from her laptop to see Dean standing in the doorway. He had a furtive look on his face that told her that he was attempting to be slick enough to send Sam a message without Chloe intercepting it.

Chloe sighed. Really, he should just stick to demon hunting.

"And by the way, Sam," Dean said. "Before I forget, this is that twenty bucks I owe you." He sat the money on the table, and backed out of the room. "So you guys . . . have fun without us."

"While you do that thing with Duncan?" Chloe raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah. It's complicated . . . oil and polypropylene and the Impala and microscopic thingies. You totally wouldn't be interested."

"Uh huh," Chloe nodded. "Have fun with that."

She glanced over in time to see Sam attempt to school his expression into something bland. Not an easy task, given that he'd just been making an oh my god, can my brother be a bigger idiot than he already is face.

"Next time he does that? I'd remind him that he borrowed fifty."

Sam tilted his head in a pose of considering, and agreed, "I think I will."

"You do that," Chloe nodded.

Sam sighed, and gave her a slightly uneasy look. Chloe was getting sick of that look. Dean had been so obvious in his ham fisted attempt at throwing them together, that they couldn't even carry on a decent conversation without all the weird awkwardness.

"Sam," she gave him a direct look. "I think we need to clear the air."

Sam did one of those cute, stumbly things that reminded her of Clark back when the kryptonite necklace always made him trip over Lana.

It was part of why on some level, Sam had a special spot in her heart. And it was also part of why they would never work out. Not in a million years. Not when she'd stopped getting any older. And not when she'd sworn off tall, dark and hansome, socially awkward guys.

"Air? I think it's fine."

"Sam," she sighed. "Despite your brother's incredibly awkward attempt at playing matchmaker, this thing he wants between us - it wouldn't work."

Something about what she said seemed to make Sam go from rigid and nervous -to completely relaxed. "It wouldn't?"

"And I think you know that," she said wryly.

"That's a relief," Sam said. "Don't get me wrong - I like you, Chloe. Just . . ."

"We're like a pair of mismatched old shoes. We may be comfortable, but we clearly don't belong together."

"Yeah," Sam said with a happy sigh. "I was worried about how to tell you that. Sorry about the way Dean is going about things. He's determined to marry me off and you check all the boxes on his must have list.

"He has a list?"

"Unfortunately," Sam sighed. "Since he's figured out that he's not going to die, and eventually I will, he's suddenly all about the babies."

"And how do you feel about that?" Chloe asked.

Sam shrugged. "I can't say that the thought of settling down doesn't appeal to me."

"Whereas, all I want to do is shake the dust off my feet before I grow roots," Chloe grinned. "Perhaps we should tell Dean that."

And there is the whole not-aging-metahuman thing to consider, she thought. She wasn't ready to share that with the Winchester boys and Duncan. The four of them just hadn't established that much trust. And something told her that she'd better be looking for a new, solo assignment soon. Before Dean took the words of Billy Idol's white wedding to heart.

Sam nodded, "It's too bad Dean is Immortal, because I could totally see the two of you hooking up."

Chloe stopped dead still. She looked at Sam with wide, surprised eyes. Her and the obnoxious (emphasis on noxious) horndog?

"Sam," she shook her head emphatically. "Never in a million years."

She never realized that she was destined to eat those words.

strangevisitor7, chloe/sam, chloe and the immortals, crossovers_100, chloe, chloe/dean, sam, dean

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