Fic: His Girl Friday (9a/9)

Sep 24, 2007 19:38

Fic: His Girl Friday (9a/9)
A/N:  I'm posting part 9b of nine tonight.   It's kind of a scary thing when you fear the wrath of your F-list for not posting ;)
Summary: He had to figure out where they stood.  Otherwise, they couldn't go forward 
Author: pen37
Beta: Clarksmuse
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural/DCU
Characters: Chloe, Sam, Dean, Jo
Rating: G

This is a part of the Special Projects series.  You can find the rest of the series here.
Written for the Crossovers100 challenge. Prompt #58 Dinner.   The table is here.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9a, Part 9b

Sam watched as Jo saw the last of the patrons out the door, and locked it behind her.  She turned to Sam with a rueful sigh.

Sam drained his beer, and crossed around behind the bar to put it in the sink.  He hated that Jo’s expression seemed to say and now I have to deal with you.

“So what’s eating you, Jo?”  he asked.

“Nothing,” she said as she picked up a tray and started gathering up mostly-empty beer bottles.  “Mike, we’ll clean up if you want to take off for the night.

Mike said something in garbled Gaenglish and waved at Sam before vanishing.

“The scary thing is that I think I understood that,” Jo shook her head.

“Before long, you’ll be speaking Gaelic like Chloe.”

“Not likely,” she chuckled.  Sam smiled at her, and for a moment, all the tension in the room was gone.  Then Jo seemed to remember her issues, and her smile melted like spun sugar in the rain.

“Yeah, tell me again how you don’t have a problem with me,” Sam challenged.

“Look, it’s nothing.”

“Well, it seems like something,” Sam argued.  “If it’s me, I’ll be gone tomorrow.”

Jo shook her head.  “It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

She sighed.  “I like you, Sam.”

“But?” he probed.

“But I think we want different things,” she shook her head ruefully as she walked to the bar.  Then she sat the tray down, and let her arms dangle limply over the edge of the platform.   “You seem like you’re looking for something serious.”

“The kind of life I lead doesn’t really promote that, Jo.”

“I know,” She shook her head.  Sam could see the tears that she would not shed pooling behind her thick lashes.  “That’s the problem.  I could fall for you Sam.  Real easy.  But with the crazy stuff you and Dean have done the past couple of years.  Dying.  Dean’s deal.  Sam, if I let you in and then lost you--”

Sam gave her a tight smile in understanding.  “I thought that was part of it.”  He raked a hand through his untamed hair.  “So what do you want, Jo?”

“Could you be happy just - being my friend?” she asked.

“And that’s all?”

“I could see having some no-strings attached fun with you Sam, but let’s not kid ourselves: With the kind of work we do: things are bound to end badly.”

“I guess you’re right.”  He sighed.

“I know I’m right.  Hunters have to be good, every day.  All the monsters have to be is lucky once.  Both of our daddies are proof of that.”

“So friends?”  Sam stretched his arm out to hug her over the bar.

“With benefits,” Jo nodded.

“Just friends, Jo.”  Sam said firmly.  “You should share yourself with someone who respects you enough as a person not to take advantage of your friendship that way.”

She locked her arms around his neck, and buried her face in his shoulder.  “God, I’m an idiot.”

“No,” Sam whispered back.  “We’re both just a little broken.  That’s okay.  We’re in good company.”

The sound of the door opening behind them pulled them out of the moment.

“Thought I locked that,” Jo whispered up to him.  “We’re closed.” She turned, and froze in place.

Sam looked up and was started to see Gordon Walker there, gun aimed at them.

“Hello, Sammy.  Long time no see.”

special projects, crossovers_100, supernatural, jo, chloe, chloe/dean, sam, smallville, dean

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