Statistical analysis pwned me like a pwning thing yesterday, but at least that's done. Now I have all the time in the world to watch DVDs write pr0n do diligent research on the paper I'm supposed to be writing this month. Yay. Ish. Sigh.
In any case, I ate some blueberry pie and had a glass of this fantabulous Pinot Noir, and this appeared:
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Comments 49
There, there.::pats you on the back:: I used to think the same thing concerning penii, then realized that Torri Higginson, Laura Bertram and Gillian Anderson were my new girlfriends. Perhaps if you looked at it as equal opportunity pervin lovin? And that picture of Hugh?
Goddamn, that's hot! Swansmooches!
(Library of Moria scares me. Are there any other, er, better sites for NC17 fic?)
Library of Moria is scary, indeed. I've found good stuff (mostly gen, some humour slash) over at Henneth Annûn and then just surfed around. Haven't found a definitive, moderated slash archive like West of the Moon (hobbits), alas.
(The comment has been removed)
Oh! And now that statistical analysis has stopped pwning me, I can focus on TDC. Will get it done this week. :) Will also write Thrawn-fic and then send off for you to spork it to death...
Hey, do you know of anyone who can make me a picture of Snape in a Boston Red Sox jersey (or hat, or anything?) Sadly, I lack both the talent and the software necessary to combine my two favorite things...
As for Snape in a Red Sox hat, here's my before-coffee, five-minute rendition, if that'll do. (I do hope it's the right hat -- what I know of baseball could fit in a thimble and still leave enough room for all that I know of country music. ;)
And I'm very impressed that you actually have a little black book.
I can understand that -- I mean, there are hot dogs and beer to be had! But I think I'll try to understand cricket first and only then tackle baseball. Glad 'twas the right hat. ;)
I love the "limited pure-blood edition"
Don't mention the evil that is cough sirup to me!!!!
You and furiosity's banter about the planned infamous Draco Schlongathon completely distracted me from work.
I sat there stared out of the window & pondered about whether Draco makes up his lack of balls with something a lot BIGGER than a pencil dick!
...I have not yet seen too much use in a Draco fic, but thanks to you & furiosity...
Maybe the time has come to write one. But then you're idea of a Snape Schlongathon is very alluring!
And Snape Schlongathon is defs in the plans! :D It must be done. Seriously.
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