Leaving this public so you guys can link your friends here if you want. Will post three other non-Heroes recs and Heroes vid recs later, kthx.
Also, I only commented on like one of these, sorry fic writers. Consider the fact that I'm reccing your story to mean that I loved it to pieces.
Ensemble and other characters (basically I got lazy)
Twenty Things Learned on Road Trips by
trollprincess- Ensemble, spoilers up to 1x17.
Just Good Fortune by
acaciaonnastik- Kimiko Nakumura. Oh wow, the author does an amazing job here fleshing out a minor character. I love the twist at the end. :)
In the Confusion and the Aftermath by
lunarknightz- Zach and Claire, PG. ;____; Zach's reaction after the end of Company Man. Poor Zach. I really liked him. I wished they would have found a way to keep him as a character. :P
God Bless The Child That's Got His Own by
hackthis- Nathan, G. Nathan growing up. Really cute, omg.
Cheap Imitation Strawberries by
lostdreamer56- Claire/West, Claire/Nathan, spoilers for 201.
Matt/Mohinder and M3
It's A Nice Day for a White Wedding by
katie821- Matt/Mohinder, PG. Shut up, shut up, shut up. I'm not falling in love with this ship, I swear. >__<
Can I Keep Him? by
nevermindirah- Matt/Mohinder. *mutters under breath* Too damn cute.
Thirty First Kisses- Kiss #12 by
tiptoe39- Mohinder/Matt, G. D'aww. I can definitely see Mohinder thinking Molly doesn't see him as a dad, only Matt. And I love Matt comforting him like this. *g*
Five Times When Matt Parkman Uses His Abilities Without Any Thought Towards Saving the World by
kleenexcow- Matt/Mohinder, PG-13. I think the fourth one is my favorite. :D
The Lack of Surprise by
out_there- Matt/Mohinder, G. ;___; This totally broke my heart. Spoilers through 207.
Liquid Tension by
clarify= Matt/Mohinder, R. It begins when Mohinder confesses. Matt and Mohinder try to work out relationship issues. Meanwhile, Matt is put on a case that has a perpetrator whose method of killing is far from natural.
Thanksgiving at the Petrellis, or Why We Can't Come Over For Christmas by
baehj2915- Petrellis, Molly, Micah, Niki, Mohinder/Matt, PG-13. Hee, muy adorable.
Spiders by
ilsaluvsrick- M3, PG. Oh, this is fabulous. Warning: could make you quite angry at the world. ;)
Making Plans by
ilsaluvsrick- Matt/Mohinder, NC-17. Glee, oh so much glee.
Thanksgiving by
crystal_mk- Matt/Mohinder, NC-17. Umm, hello, new kink! (injured!Mohinder)
The Life She Landed In by
gritkitty- M3, G. Nice little thing to read after 209. No spoilers for it.
No One Said It Would Be Easy by
medie- Matt/Mohinder, PG-13. Coda to 209. This explains Mohinder better than I ever could.
Rise and Fall by
kleenexcow- Matt/Mohinder, Molly, R, 5YG Universe. Ugh, depressing. I love fics like this that aren't canon but fit into it at the same time.
Graduation Day by
medie- Matt/Mohinder, Molly, PG. Molly graduating from college. D'aww.
Three Alarms by
out_there- Matt/Mohinder, R. Hee.
Pink Aisle of Doom by
hiddenfantasy- Matt, PG. Matt goes shopping for Molly's Christmas present. Oh, Matt.
Ten Things I Hate About You and Why I Love You For Them by
demarcos_btoast- Matt/Mohinder, PG-13.
Mohinder calls it this, Matt calls it that by
crystal_mk- Matt/Mohinder, PG-13.
Unexpected by
out_there- Matt/Mohinder, G, spoilers for 207. Sequel to The Lack of Surprise above. I really wish this is how things will play out, but I know it's very unlikely. *sigh*
20 Random Facts About Matt and Mohinder by
mireille79- Matt/Mohinder. Omg, so perfect. This is possibly my favorite Matthinder story I've read so far.
When You Came Home by
medie- Matt/Mohinder, NC-17. Hee, very lovely and hot. I love the Molly moment at the end.
An Eventful Day by
celli- Matt/Mohinder, Molly, PG. Missing scene from 207.
Untitled by
koala_motchi- Matt/Mohinder, R.
The Unsaid by
jemisard- Matt/Mohinder-ish. Nights are never silent for Matt. Aww, poor Mohinder. *cuddles*
Reasons to Believe by
lunarknightz- Mohinder, Molly.
How Miss Molly Walker-Parkman-Suresh Saved the Day and Got the Guy (And How Matt Deals With it. Or Doesn't.) by
seaouryou- Molly/Monty, surprise pairing. Oh no, I was wrong, This is what should happen. Yes, yes, yes. :D
What You Wish For by
cerebel_fics- Mohinder/Sylar, Matt. Takes place in the Five Years Gone universe. Matt Parkman realizes, finally, who's in the Oval Office. Omg, this fic. My first Heroes fic. And it made me like Matt. Hmm.
On the Breath of a Dying Man by
cerebel- Sylar, Mohinder/Sylar, R. Immediately post-s1 finale.
I Spy by
cerebel- Mylar, PG. Quite AU. No spoilers for s2.
Snapshots of a Quiet Life,
In the Shadow of the White House,
Only My Hands to Guide Me by
cerebel- Mylar, Molly, PG-13 at most. AU after s1.
Starless Heaven by
cerebel- Mylar, NC-17. Fluffy porn, woot! :)
Save Me by
cerebel- Mylar, PG-13. AU after s1.
Recessional by
cerebel- Mylar, NC-17. Takes place during the road trip.
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by
cerebel- Mohinder/Sylar, NC-17. Whoops, I thought I'd already recced this, but I don't see it above. My favorite Mylar fic I've read so far. Highly recommended. I love this x infinity. You might have to read it twice to understand what's going on. It's pretty mind-blowing when you do.
four times sylar saved mohinder's life- and one time he didn't by
cerebel- Mylar, R.
cerebel is definitely my favorite Mylar writer. ♥ My favorite one is "murder".
Between the Bars by
ladywilde80- Mohinder/Sylar, PG-13, AU according to s2. A powerless Sylar returns to New York to find Mohinder only to be arrested for his mother’s murder. While, he is imprisoned Mohinder comes looking for answers.
Collections #1: Mohinder Suresh by
jemisard- Mohinder, Mohinder/Sylar.
The Love Song of Gabriel "Sylar" Gray by
hackthis- Mylar, R.
Laugh? I Nearly Died by
hackthis- Mylar, R, spoilers through 1x18.
Fever Dreams by
jemisard- Sylar/Mohinder, Molly. Ugh, this totally should have happened instead of M3. *wants*
Dreams of Ice and Wings by
cerebel- Mohinder/Gabriel, NC-17. *squees* I love this AU.
Sweet Dreams by
cerebel- Mylar, NC-17.
Mohinder misc.- gen and random pairings
Into Nirvana by
typings- Mohinder, R, 5YG Universe. For the first time in years, Mohinder Suresh feels something akin to hope stir in the recesses of his soul.
Post-Mortem by
kenzimione- Mohinder/Claire-ish, R. The sequels are very good also. Claire Bennet does not know what she had expected death to be like, but it certainly wasn't this.
What He Did by
jemisard- Chandra/Mohinder, one-sided, non-explicit. Mohinder has always made a mess of his life without ever doing a thing. I don't usually like parent/child incest, but
jemisard makes this work.
Stars Above by
cerebel- Mohinder/Nathan, PG-13, 5YG Universe. Holy flying-makeout, batman!
Slash the Geneticist by
trascendenza- Mohinder/everyone, K to M.
At Faith's Door by
cerebel- Peter/Mohinder/Sylar, NC-17. OT3. Yes, yes, yes.
Some Mad Hope by
cerebel- Mohinder/Bennet, Mohinder/Nathan, NC-17. 5YG universe. Oh my effing god, this is so hot. And I don't even like Monnet. :P
Illusions by
rhea_carlysse- Candace/Mohinder, R.
The Long Wait Till Judgment by
marble_rose- Peter-centric, Paire, R. They’re the definition of star-crossed lovers; Romeo and Juliet have nothing on them. At least those two could die and put themselves out of their misery.
Forget Me Not by
eglow23- Nathan, Peter/Claire. Oh, Nathan. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan.
Recognize by
svilleficrecs- Claire/Peter, Claire/Other. Whoa, this is pretty dark. Good though, and I can kind of see it happening.
#493 (Granite Rose) by
svilleficrecs- Peter/Claire.
Full Circle by
eowyn_girl- Peter/Candice, Peter/Claire. Beautiful writing and it actually made me like Candice. Doesn't fit with what's revealed about her in 201.
The Anatomy of Kissing by
eonism- Peter/Mohinder, PG-13. But of all the things Peter liked - the array of little quirks Mohinder had saved and kept filed away, like sticky-note memorandums on how to live in the world as it was according to Peter Petrelli - he seemed to like kissing the most.
Weather Forecast for Tonight: Bitchy by
rhea_carlysse- Peter/Mohinder, PG-13. Happy fluffiness. But in-character fluffiness, which is the best kind. :D
Sylar and Sylar/Peter
Waiting for the World to Burn by
yo_mawari- Peter/Sylar, 5YG universe.
Iteration by
fool_of_ships- Sylar, spoilers for s2. Oh, I love this idea. Well-written Sylar too. :)
Discovering Eden by
keeper_of_stars- Sylar, Eden, PG-13.
Whoo, that's it! Sorry about the crazy jumble under the ensemble thing, I was getting tired of finding pictures for everything. Maybe next time it'll be more organized. ;) Also, if you have any recs that you think I'll like, please comment! Self-pimping is definitely allowed. I'm still a newbie in this fandom so I'm still a bit lost. Enjoy!