Okay so for future entries from germany, note that sometimes y = z because they are backwards on german computers. also does anyone know how to type the at symbol. it is under the q
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Clara is excited for easter. I'm am going home with Todd on Saturday and then i can force him to play ping pong with me and we can steel a basketball from his house. Sunday we are all going to church and then we are going to an Itallian restarant with his parents, brother, aunt, uncle and cousins. And now i should go to studio. yay!!!
im home yay. I went to minniapolis for the weekend with aias an architecture student group. we saw lots of pretty buildings and lots of basketball ,they REAllY liked basket ball we had to make our schedule around it. anyway i am in ames now untill saturday. my yard is covered in tree limbs and there is half a tree upside down in my backyard :(.