Title: Ghost House Author: penguinspy42 Summary: It is nearly impossible to erase something completely. Rating: PG Characters: Eleventh Doctor, River Song ( Read more... )
A couple of very minor editing glitches: you have "He doesn't want to see them," where I'm fairly sure you mean, "He doesn't want us to see them, and "turns toward River, who is shaking," where it should be, "who was shaking."
That being said, the emotions here are just lovely. River's personalized nightmare, in particular, is beautifully designed to cut right to the bone. House's lines have just the right, smooth tone, and "extremely very much dangerous" is a very good eleventh Doctor phrase.
Thank you very much for your comments and rec. I fixed the issues you pointed out. The Doctor and River are fun to write and I am glad you enjoyed this story to recommend it.
Comments 2
That being said, the emotions here are just lovely. River's personalized nightmare, in particular, is beautifully designed to cut right to the bone. House's lines have just the right, smooth tone, and "extremely very much dangerous" is a very good eleventh Doctor phrase.
Anyhow, I recced this on my journal.
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