I've been dipping into various spoilers across the web, which means that I've been in close proximity to the people I usually avoid. That means the people who hate Sookie, and the people who hate CH. You know the ones I mean, the people who complain that CH has sold out, extended her contract way past due, and is, in the process, "ruining" Eric. It
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That disclaimer aside, as the end of SVM approaches I've had to endure more and more rants about CH "ruining" the series and being uninterested in her own characters. I've even heard former fans of her work blame her for the clusterfuck that is True Blood and its interpretation of SVM.
The first complaint, that CH has ruined the series revolves mainly around the perception that she has diminished or sabotaged Sookie & Eric's relationship in the last two books. I presume this is a gripe about the Freyda plot twist, I'm not sure. More than likely it relates to the absence of swooning over Eric by Sookie and general lack of sexy time action. Most women I know would snatch *wink* up a book where Sookie and Eric did nothing but boink ( ... )
They get really vicious, don't they? It's kinda disgusting that some of them will talk about the vitriol she received in Amazon reviews, as if they have moral high ground. But then, I was driven away from the first place (a forum) I joined when I got into the fandom when one of the "fans" threatened to go round to CH's house and set it on fire if the whole Eric thing wasn't delivered.
Mostly people seem to be complaining that Eric's impending marriage and Sookie's torture just don't give them much to joke and flirt about. I dunno, I love my husband, but I rarely flirt with him. I don't need to be coy and play with my hair nowadays. And surprise, surprise, Eric didn't feel like making jokes in front of Appius.
And the whole sex thing - yeah, I've read readers getting actually *offended* that the "bedroom door was slammed in our face". Well, you know, tough shit. There's plenty of porn online for you to read. Christ. I do NOT need to know what Eric's O face ( ... )
You really freak me out sometimes at how you talk about things that affect my real life just at the point I need to read them.
(Actually please don't...)
But that's good. See, publishing houses want to be like that - just at the moment you need it, boom, book published.
They are a small and vocal minority, encouraged by the fact that they don't have to look CH in the face. And they expect everyone to be sweet and perfect and nice. Except themselves. I'm always reminded of Neil Gaiman's piece on Entitlement - from all the fans ripping strips off George R. R. Martin. I feel sorry for authors that they have to have the worst of people being the loudest and most vicious. And acting as if their $10 or $20 means that they have an absolute right to demand a fucking ( ... )
However, I would have given more thought to just chucking it out if for the next *fifteen* years, any wish or need for tape had him hearkening back to the cautionary tale of why one should not throw out tape.
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