As my Mom's Mom, my Nana, declined in her last months and days, she talked about being able to see my grandfather there in the room with her-- he'd been gone less than a year at that point. Her gripe was that he was there, but that he wouldn't talk to her. In her last days, she stopped mentioning him. Mom and I think she could hear him by then.
I'm sorry for your coming loss-- I've really enjoyed reading your stories about Aunt Katie, I can't help but feel an affinity for someone you care about so much, with whom I share a name. I'm so glad to know that J and the girls were able to see her, and that you've been able to connect with her, too. That the mass was about Mary on her Feast Day, there, with your scapular-- no, no coincidences, I think, too. Am thinking of you and J, and the girls, and your family as you move through the coming days.
Thanks, hon. I know you went through that with the loss of your dear Nana. The missing them is the hard part - but how fortunate we are to have had such wonderful women in our lives! They make us stronger. :)
Comments 2
I'm sorry for your coming loss-- I've really enjoyed reading your stories about Aunt Katie, I can't help but feel an affinity for someone you care about so much, with whom I share a name. I'm so glad to know that J and the girls were able to see her, and that you've been able to connect with her, too. That the mass was about Mary on her Feast Day, there, with your scapular-- no, no coincidences, I think, too. Am thinking of you and J, and the girls, and your family as you move through the coming days.
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