Title: Protégé: Padawans
Authors: Persephone_Kore and Dreagoddess
Timeframe: Post-TPM
Characters: Anakin, Dooku, others
Genre: General, AU
Keywords: Dooku, Anakin, training
Summary: Sequel to "Protégé: Chosen." Dooku and Anakin begin learning to deal with one another, and Anakin meets the unexpected while seeking his lightsaber crystal in the caves
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Comments 2
I am very much enjoying the building relationship between Anakin and Dooku. They are certainly good for each other. Do you plan to stretch the story all the way to AotC and beyond? I just wonder how Dooku will deal with Anakin's infatuation with Padme, if it even comes up. And who will be Sidious's new apprentice?
All in all, this is a lovely New Year's present. Looking forward to more!
I believe what we've got eventually skips ahead toward AotC-era, although that part is more of a coda in some ways than an integral part of Anakin's and Dooku's plot.
Padme is tricky to deal with in nearly any AU where Anakin's relationship with the Jedi Order is better, because I do like their relationship but I think the Jedi have a policy on outside commitments that, while possible to argue with, is not going to change on a whim. Although exceptions seem to happen occasionally.
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