So, it had to be exactly 5 pages, double spaced. About any director that we thought should be nominated for the fictitious Mission College Movie Director Hall of Fame. And I thought I'd do a porn director & I ended up with more researchthan necessary & my first draft, I kid you not, was 7 pages long. Single spaced. So, I took a machete to it & came
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Yeah, I have noticed that lately, I'm a little less than excited to hear from people. And here's the deal folks. I'm just over it. Working full time, class one night a week, you'd think I don't have much to stress over. But then you figure that I am taking over Diane's position in a month & there's still so much that I don't know how to do, so much
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Hi guys! Happy St. Patrick's Day! How's it hanging? Things are going well here. I've a terrible crick in my neck. Other than that though, I'm doing quite well for myself. Man I crack me up. I'm sitting here, covering the front desk. I have nothing that I can do while I'm sitting up here, so I'm surfing the internet superhighway, listening to a
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Now, I'm not one to complain, really. If you know me, think about that. I may vent, but I try not to complain or whine. That's why, when things annoy me, it really annoys me. And today, there's things that are really annoying me
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Yes, I've been gone... MIA I guess one would say. I hang out over at MySpace much more often. But I promise to fill you all in once I get a longer moment to share
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It is a quarter till midnight. I have a flight at 10am... I have not yet packed. I have not yet showered. And I am exhausted. I have been up since 8:30...where did this day go?! Amazing what 5 hours of work will do to you. Let's see if I can't recall the events to figure out why it is that I haven't even laundered the clothes that I want to take
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