Are you taking these at Pierce? If you are, then we almost ended up in the same class. I was going to take Cinema 3 (IT IS SUCH A GREAT CLASS! I looked at the book for it and fell in love!), but I couldn't. My friend is gonna be in there with you! Oh, also, for Philosophy 6, omg, I pray pray pray that you have Andre as your teacher! He usually teaches it. He's the one me and Ash had. Although it can get boring, (but we had Phil 1, not the logic class - Phil 6) he's a great guy!
...Um, yeah Eddie? I hate Pierce. They overfill their classes & I simply will not do that again. I took math 115 there & even if I got there 30 minutes before class I had to sit in the back, or on a side counter, where you couldn't see the projection board (seriously, lights on with a screen? REEEtarded!) & everyone talked or answered cell phones. So, I hate Pierce. If I'm paying $26 a fricking unit, I want to learn. So, to restate- not going to Pierce. Going to a small school in the hood with, it turns out, a great Interactive arts program, & wonderful food in the kitchen- cause the culinary art school makes it.
LOL oh man, I know what you're talking about! But I think it's cuz it was the 115 class. You got the wrong crowd around. Math classes are usually bad in Pierce from what I hear. I LOVED MINE! But I knew most of the people in it and had Physics with them so we were all sticking it out I guess. Here's the funny thing though - California residents pay $26 per unit.. while other states have their community college students pay up to $100 per unit! THATS INSANE!!!!! I think you're going to enjoy the Cinema class. I've heard great stories, and the book looked sooo like something you would enjoy! (Well, if I know at all what you would enjoy, which I think in the area of Cienma I would just a little!) Also, I hope you do get Andre. He's a nice guy!
hahahahahahhahahha I saw the commercial for Cher and I thought, "wow...a lot of gays are going to go see that." NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT!
HAHAHAHAHAHA I would have laughed too if I fell in the mud. And then try to get other people to hug me.
Comments 7
HAHAHAHAHAHA I would have laughed too if I fell in the mud. And then try to get other people to hug me.
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