Jun 27, 2013 16:40
I'm none too familiar with the latter, but apparently there are characters in Sherlock Holmes with the names "Greg" and "Jim." So...I'm wondering if these were also inspirations drawn for "Gregory" House and "James" Wilson? (I was already aware of Holmes/House and Watson/Wilson.)
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No idea if any of that was deliberate on the part of TPTB though.
I've heard that "Moriarty" was the name of the shooter in "No Reason." And that "Irene Adler" was the name of the patient in the pilot, and that those were both nods to Sherlock Holmes.
You said you only watched the first season of Sherlock, right? What made you stop watching it?
Or perhaps you enjoy the books/movie version/earlier television versions?
And are you a fan of "Elementary"?
(Loool. Sorry for all the questions.)
No idea if any of that was deliberate on the part of TPTB though.
You mean just like the similarity of the finale to the ending of Sherlock Holmes wasn't deliberate? Or the insinuation that House intended to kill Cuddy by running his car into her home wasn't deliberate?
(Lol, don't mind me, I'm in a bit of a sarcastic and pick-on-TPTB mood. But considering that the similarity of Greg and James is slight, it may very well have not been deliberate.)
If my understanding is correct, isn't it true that the original Holmes was killed off, but that Doyle faked the death due to fan outrage?
The names though - I've never heard, maybe if it wasn't deliberate it was subconcious?
That's my thought as well. (I sometimes wonder if TV writers are in fandoms for other, or even their own shows...)
And that's interesting that there could be a character that compares to Chase or Cuddy.
And it's very possible that the similarities are coincidental.
Are you a fan of the Sherlock novels? Or the show? Or any related media? Lol. It's my understanding that there are many.
I am a fan of the Sherlock stories written by ACD, The Great Mouse Detective, and the episode[s] of Wishbone where the book featured was Holmes lol. I also like CSI's arc involving a modern version of Irene Adler, if that counts. I've seen Sherlock with Cumberbatch, which is okay (I can't get past the bullshit that is the Irene Adler storyline). I've seen Elementary, which was okay but not great (the cases felt too simple). But I stopped watching because House PTBs work on that show, and I will not support those individuals ever again. The Guy Ritchie films are embarrassingly bad lol. I don't think I've seen anything else, and I don't read the novels written by other people. There's so much out there that it's difficult to find the time to go through it all XD
I think you are right on that.
The Great Mouse Detective...is I think a Disney-animated film series? And what is the bullshit that is the Irene Adler storyline on BBC Sherlock? (You've got me curious.)
Later in the series, Wilson gives House a Christmas gift and the team questions him about it he uses the name Irene Adler intentionally to mess with them.
The book by Cuddy's grandfather (or great-grandfather?), Dr. Bell, is a nod to Joseph Bell, the real life doctor who inspired the character of Holmes.
I didn't realize he used the name Irene Adler when he gave House the Christmas gift. (I always thought that the "Greg, made me think of you," was an interesting gift tag, but I never knew if it was meant to be sarcastic.)
And thanks for mentioning Dr. Bell. I had no idea about that. (Bell was the last name of Thomas as well, the man Blythe was sleeping with in Season 8 and suspected to be House's father. But he wasn't a doctor. I think in this particular case, the name Bell may have been coincidental.)
One thing I noticed was that a couple of House patients seemed to be names Jim or Jimmy or James. I never knew if it was intentional or (more likely) they just forgot they'd used the name before. They also had a thing for using men's names for female characters: Andie, Sam, Remy.
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