I do have to admit as well, the girl I'm seeing currently is almost the exact opposite of me, despite the fact we sort of have the same sort of personality. She's not into video games, or metal, and even Sin City has got her a little nervous too. But she's really into me!!! On the flip side, I just drive her crazy haha.
You and I still need to catch up on times some time.
Oh wicked! It's great to hear that you're happy. Everything you said is precisely what I meant about having more generalized things in common than easily identifiable common interests like video games and metal. Of course, it's cool to share interests like those but I find it more meaningful to share less obvious aspects of personality.
Weekends are the best. Actually if you wanted to go to Sin City one of these times, or we can chill for coffee, or I dunno. Weekends are the best starting with Friday afternoon. Just book me in advance before my weekend is already booked and gobbled away hehe
Don't overthink it! You've got plenty of time for lots of other shit to go wrong before any of that going off in different directions shit happens. I'm not being pessimistic, what I mean is that relationships have a tendency to dip and dive all over the place.... Take it one day at a time!
You're right. You've kept a pretty good online account of all your dips and dives with Jamie (I think that's his name) so I know you've got tonnes of experience to back up your comment too.
I have a tendency to get swept away with these sorts of things. My mother's bf casually wondered if she'd still be interested after the summer's over. While I'd hope that I can assume she will, the possibility never occured to me while I'm all smitten.
Wicked! It makes so much sense, doesn't it? I mean, if you like gravy on potatoes - and fries are made with potatoes - well...
Did you have chunks of cheese curds Montreal-style or melted cheese? Both are really good if done well. And it's all about the fries. I'm going to make poutine with some homemade barbecued fries tonight with the farm cheese curds I brought back from Quebec. It's going to rule.
I could be entirely wrong on this, but I don't think curds ever caught on in the US. I've only ever seen sold in Europe. Then again, I've never actively sought out curds. So we used melted mozzarella.
Oh, and not to seem incidental, congrats with the lady luck! I wouldn't worry about the differences though. I personally depend on them. I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't be able to stand anyone remotely like me. LAWLZ!
The curds don't really sell out here either. I got used to eating Vancouver poutine with melted cheese and when I got to Montreal and had the "real thing" I felt jipped. I got used to both though and I think they're both great if done well. The cool thing about Montreal too is that you can get different flavours. Next time you're there, go to a place called "Alto" around Parc and Sherbrooke. Their Italian with Italian Sausauges flavour is to die for.
I don't mind my differences with her; I have a lot of similar interests and similarities too that I haven't really had in anyone I dated before.
ee! that's great! [though tenuous, with uncertain futures looming and all.]
she sounds like a rare and wonderful creature, and it is really really really refreshing to find relationships like these outside of the usual circles [i did - it worked out very well.*] and yes, i do believe you possess many, if not all, of those '..generalized traits that I like to think I share with her.' [you modest thing, you!]
Her being a great and wonderful creature combined with the tenuousness of the uncertain future is what makes me especially anxious. This sort of happiness doesn't come around often and it's not something that I can will into being.
Comments 19
I do have to admit as well, the girl I'm seeing currently is almost the exact opposite of me, despite the fact we sort of have the same sort of personality. She's not into video games, or metal, and even Sin City has got her a little nervous too. But she's really into me!!! On the flip side, I just drive her crazy haha.
You and I still need to catch up on times some time.
When might you be free to catch up?
I have a tendency to get swept away with these sorts of things. My mother's bf casually wondered if she'd still be interested after the summer's over. While I'd hope that I can assume she will, the possibility never occured to me while I'm all smitten.
Thanks for the advice! Each day as it comes.
he he yea it is hillarious, I have a sales rep in Montreal and he still can't say Coquitlam lol
Did you have chunks of cheese curds Montreal-style or melted cheese? Both are really good if done well. And it's all about the fries. I'm going to make poutine with some homemade barbecued fries tonight with the farm cheese curds I brought back from Quebec. It's going to rule.
Oh, and not to seem incidental, congrats with the lady luck! I wouldn't worry about the differences though. I personally depend on them. I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't be able to stand anyone remotely like me. LAWLZ!
I don't mind my differences with her; I have a lot of similar interests and similarities too that I haven't really had in anyone I dated before.
she sounds like a rare and wonderful creature, and it is really really really refreshing to find relationships like these outside of the usual circles [i did - it worked out very well.*] and yes, i do believe you possess many, if not all, of those '..generalized traits that I like to think I share with her.' [you modest thing, you!]
Her being a great and wonderful creature combined with the tenuousness of the uncertain future is what makes me especially anxious. This sort of happiness doesn't come around often and it's not something that I can will into being.
*fingers crossed*
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