Another day, another theme!
Today we're are drinking Role Playing
Naughty nurses, teachers and students, cops and robbers...we all like to play a little....Maybe your actors want to switch roles, maybe someone's lover wants him to be a pilot or a doctor...maybe it's for a job...and it carries's all's all good!
Just a few rules to help keep the fun. All fics should be R or NC-17, or seriously leaning in that direction...the point here is porn. Try to follow the prompting format I'll leave below because we have a kind (and kinda crazy) soul who has volunteered to index for us and this will make it easier. Please stick with the theme of the day as much as possible (and again, if the prompt inspires something else, you can post it in your journal and drop a link to it here).
For the ease of indexing, please leave your prompts in the following format: Fandom, Pairing, prompt
Leverage, Eliot/Nate/Hardison, The Discipline Job
RPS, JDM/Jensen, Jensen wants Jeff to be John Winchester for him
Crossover Example:
Leverage/Supernatural, Sam/Dean/Eliot, playing succubus bait
And, if none of these are doing it for you,
cyphersushi has set us up a delicious index.
Lonely Prompts, all the prompts that were left and not answered.
If reading is your thing, we got that covered too:
An Index of Filled Prompts!
There you have it, all there is to comment porn fun! Go forth and porn, peoples! OH, and remember to let your friends know...invite others to come play. The more people, the more fun it is. Like an orgy!
If you're looking for that perfect gift for your fic loving friend, $10 will by you 1000-1500 words of fic
hereAnd if you're looking for something bigger, or pictures, or tarot, you can go
to this post for details And for you writer like people,
pictures2words is open for signups. Come join a different kind of art & fic challenge, where the art comes first and the fic draws inspiration from the art. Author sign ups have started! So come join us, and tell your friends.