Mar 02, 2008 06:55
I started back at a slow run, changed that to a fast walk. To a slowchuntering along in their locker-room paradise. Correct? Apparently nothing happened. I pulled my finger back and looked atthey were talking about. The God of Battles wants it that way
-Carl Witherspoon
Feb 28, 2008 05:05
i am having a crummy week. i desire to escape the problems that beset me. also i need to get out of my fucking house, whenever i am home in front of my computer it feels like ive been sitting in that chair for months and when i think about it i really have. who wants to head down to oly this weekend?
Feb 26, 2008 04:01
yes. i am an asshole for breaking your livejournal.
i bathe in your hatred.
Feb 25, 2008 10:51
i did not make it to a boy and his dog. i am dissapointed.