Today i have to work on the thank you notes.. Gads... i hate wrting these.( i know... bad holly.. ungrateful Holly..) I would rather call and talk to each one of these people instead of stress over getting words spelled correctly, spaces in the right place, and not ommitting words( god i hate being a dyslexic). But they will get worked on today
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Comments 4
Don't be sad about it! You had a most wonderful, beautiful wedding instead!
Though next year, I hope to get to hang out w/ you at at least one faire event! I need new cloths too. None of mine fit anymore and if I have anything to say about it, they won't start fitting again anytime soon! I am going to keep this weight off, damnit! LOL!
Which leads me to a question... Know where I can get a good quality corset at a good price I can afford?
Our weather sure is weird lately, huh? I does feel like early October, not late August.
I hated doing "thank you's" too. Why is it that the responsibility for that alway seems to go to the bride? It isn't fair!
How much of a price difference have you notice on GF and/or organic food stuff? Just curious in case one of my docs decides to tell me I should consider GF.
Good luck finding a flight-I don't have any advice though. I haven't flown in about 10 years other than my ride to Hamot Hosp. in a helicopter and I don't remember a whole lot of that trip.
Good luck also with the school year coming up so quickly!
Getting back on the to do list has helped. It makes me feel like i got more stuff done then i had orgionally did.
GF loaf of bread- 3.99-5.99
mix of great GF brownies-5.99
GF pasta 2.99 for small package
havent really started to price individual flours yet, When i have, i can tr yo let you know
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