If you can see this and only this, you're not on my friends list. I might add you if we have something in common, but I mostly add people I know somewhat before doing so.
is that who drew the main image on your journal? I couldn't find his name - probably because I can't read the characters but I saw the art site at falcoon.hp.infoseek (etc)
wow youre livejournal is beautiful... i doubt u will but i thought it was worth a shot.. could u make mine preety?... i really haveno idea how.. and i tried many times and just mess it up.. if not its ok.. and thanx anyways, if u will consider it i love anime too! wellllll thanx for taking the time to look at my post. bye and thanx again.
I absolutely love the design for your live journal (very nice!). I was just wondering if it were possible if I could be on your friends list? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks!
Comments 27
BTW, where did you get the Anime images? Or did you draw them yourself?
Those images are not drawn by me, sadly. They're made by Hyung-Tae Kim, a Korean artist.
nscx.com ?
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