Dec 15, 2013 14:56
Can be seen all the way from the Hubble,
Getting sick could get me in trouble.
I have to beware.
I have no health care
I may borrow “bubble boys” bubble.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 14, 2013 10:52
I worry I’ll get meningitis
I worry that I’ll get bronchitis.
I have to beware;
Can’t scream or I’ll get laryngitis.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 13, 2013 11:58
I take lots of Vitamin C
And drink lots of hearty green tea.
I must be aware;
I have no health care.
I hope there’s no blood in my pee.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 12, 2013 11:20
I use antibacterial soap.
I wash my mouth out with Scope.
I have to beware;
I have no health care.
And I don’t want to seem like a dope.
Readers - I'm running out of ideas. If you have any ideas for illnesses, diseases, or anything else I can use, let me know please. I'll try my best to incorporate them into a philflamerick.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 11, 2013 14:53
I keep both my hands very clean.
I eat very wholesome cuisine.
I have to beware;
I have no health care.
I worry about things unforeseen.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 10, 2013 11:52
I wear my mask at the boat*
I make sure I’m wearing a coat.
I have to beware.
I have no health care
If I get sick then “that’s all she wrote!”
*For those of you not in the Midwest, the "boat" is a casino.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 09, 2013 12:24
I can’t go in woods that are thick.
I’m afraid that I’ll pick up a tick.
I have to beware;
I have no health care.
I just can’t afford to get sick.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 08, 2013 11:00
My husband is so good to me.
He went out to buy Coricidin HBP.
“We must be aware
You have no health care!”
Though the index for wind chill was 3.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 07, 2013 10:23
Told my hubby he had to back off.
When he sat next to me and he coughed.
“You have to beware;
I have no health care!”
That is nothing at all which to scoff.
healthcare philflamericks
Dec 06, 2013 13:52
I promise I won’t run with scissors.
And try not to break any mirrors.
I have to beware.
I have no health care.
And that thought is giving me shivers.
healthcare philflamericks