Alright, after the most hellish travelling ever (everything that could go wrong did) I'm finally home! Any one who wants to hang out, give me a call, bc I've missed everyone like crazy! If I don't answer my cell, leave me a message, cause I check them all the time... Love Sarah
I´m comin home in two days... hell yeah!!!!!!!!! See ya´ll friday!!!!!!!! I´ve got so many stories, I can´t wait to tell them and see everybody again! Love from spain, Sarah
Alright, its been a long but exciting day in spain, and its bound to be even crazier tomorrow, bc we´re going to Seville! Hell yeah! A funny story real quick before I go out for tapas
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Hey everybody, its my first night in spain, and I can´t sleep because I have a stomachache. Hopefully my medicine works soon. But other than that, Madrid is gorgeous, and I can´t wait to go see Toledo in the morning! Wish me luck, can´t wait to see everyone again, I´m homesick already! Sarah
Ok, so I'm totally copying Jeremy here to start this live journal off... here goes! :o) "Reply with your name and I'll tell you something I adore about you. Afterwards, copy and paste this into your own journal."