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Log and Activity Reference
Jun 01, 2011 15:52
Created Logs
Matagi arrives and crashes through a building
Subject: ★ 01 - Push
Movie watching with Gold Saw and others
Subject: ★ 02 - Skittles
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Subject: ★ 03 - Fish (Aye aye, capt'n!)
Joined Logs
Dead Master arrives. Run!
Princess arrives and hides
De-chan arrives
What is breakfast? And why is it being served by a tiny Rin and Len?
What's a Kagamination? And the singing and dancing for that matter
"Dead Master" (Yomi) arrives. Run!
Matagi wants to play chess
[event - grab bag] VDR is the Otherworld!
[event - grab bag] VDR is has giant mecha!
[event - grab bag] VDR has zombies!
Catch White Blazer Kaito
BRS says something about a game?
Len wants to make a Kagamination Haunted House
Why is Gold Saw smaller?
Saul is a Toeto!
Matagi is a living skeleton
Matagi has a staring contest with a kappa-penguin
Nyan Cat has made the VDR all pastel like and cake!
The VDR is covered in snow. What is this stuff?
What is mistletoe?
What is Gold Saw doing now?
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