Jun 14, 2006 13:55
Well I finally got a job in the photography industry. I dont have to work in fast food anymore. My new job has been good so far. I actually like working there. I never thought I would say thats about being into the Village. We are closed on Sundays, I'm glad about that. I hate working Sundays. I hope this works out good.
Jun 11, 2006 00:56
Happy 26th birthday to Steve, I hope you have a great day.
Jun 05, 2006 00:54
Happy 28th Birthday to My Brett. I hope you have a great day Brett. I love you.
Apr 16, 2006 13:20
Happy 26th birthday to David. I hope you have a great day.
Mar 30, 2006 22:57
Well I finally got my diploma and transcript. It only took forever. My Convocation is on May 16. Now if only I can get someone to go with me. You would think people would want to go see me graduate, but no they don't. Oh Well.
Graducated with honors
95 %
Mar 08, 2006 00:05
Well Steve left for Alberta today. Another one of my friends gone. Everyone keeps moving away, I guess I will have to go too. But the only problem with that is, Brett wont move away with me. So who knows what will happen. I just hope everyone keeps in touch.
Jan 22, 2006 23:50
Oh my. What should I do. I'm so confused right now and I dont know what to do. I suppose it will all work out eventually.