I've been seeing a few opinions about Microsoft's relative performance since Bill Gates left the helm. In addition I've seen more than a few opinions about Apple and Steve Jobs. I'm going to discuss both of these things because I feel that they are related
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Shortly after I woke up Tuesday morning I received a call on my cell phone. The caller ID was blocked so I didn't answer it. Then my phone rang again, caller ID was also blocked. I decided to pick up because I thought it might be my wife calling in trouble. Here is the conversation as close as I can recall:Me: Hello
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Just wow. I wasn't sure where Russell T. Davies was going with this after the last episode but he pulled out all the stops. I have many things to say and some thoughts on the arcs over the past four seasons. Those will be coming in the next post and it will be very spoilerific.
Ok guys. I know that the audiophile community has some very questionable ideas about cables but this is just fucking stupid. Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Link Cable. The description is just priceless:Get the purest digital audio you've ever experienced from multi-channel DVD and CD playback through your Denon home theater receiver with the AK-DL1
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The only thing I have to say here is that Steven Moffat writes damn good characters. And story arcs. And Dialog. And, well ok he has joined the ranks for writers I will trust implicitly.
I had a very long post written about the democratic nomination process. But I deleted it. Why you might ask? Well I finally have watched both Senator Clinton's and Senator Obama's respective speeches from Tuesday
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