Title: What Happens in Paris, Stays in Paris. Characters: Tony, Ziva. Word Count: 1,604 Rating: PG (suggestive, but not explicit) Summary: One day, one night. A lot more can happen than you think.
Title: Liberated Characters: Kiba, Hinata, Naruto Word Count: 1,827 Rating: PG (Language) Summary: Kiba doesn't know how good a friend he is. He probably never will. Special Notes: Pairings dependent on perception.
Title: Home (alt. title: Changes) Pairings/Characters: Sand Sibs, tiny mention of Shikamaru. Temari-centric. Word Count: 840 Rating: G. Special notes: ...badfic?
If you want any sort of icon made by me, Leave a comment here. Promise to try my hardest.
Also, if you have any suggestions pertaining to changes made to my journal, that would be okely-dokely as well. I've been trying to put a banner up for ages.