Mar 17, 2006 21:37
What is the difference between res-econ 212 and statistc 240? on spire, it seems as if they are basically the same thing. is res-econ a lot easier seeing as how it is 212 and the other is 240?
Jan 30, 2006 15:31
does anyone want to get rid of this book:
world of psychology w/ my psych lab starter kit pkg
author: wood , edition:5th
i would gladly buy it from you! thanks!
Dec 20, 2005 16:54
so does anyone have the answers to the final? i have my test here but i have no idea what the answers are. i think he should have posted them somewhere if he was going to let us keep the tests, you know? thanks.
also..... Where is "Chenoweth Lab"?? I have a discussion there but I have never heard of it and can not find it on the map.
Oct 17, 2005 15:01
is the lgrc the same thing as the learning graduate research center?
Aug 19, 2005 08:09
work sucks. especially at 9 in the mourning.
May 08, 2005 16:38
sorry my journal sucks but i dont care
Apr 11, 2005 20:00
I do not actually have a journal seeing as I get myself in too much trouble by writing in one. Therefore you will not be able to read about my every day activites...however, I asure you that it was a lot of fun and you should have been there.