Alright, so I'm sittting here watching the Dancing With The Stars finale and there's this moment where Kate Gosselin ascends into the air riding in a cherry
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via Linda: I’m going to bite off a big one, and see if it can get done. The essay from the teacher really struck a chord with me, and I hope it will with you, too
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so Ted'n'i went to Dreamwizards yesterday and what should we find but the Munchkin D20 game! we bought the DMs guide and the Players now all we need is people to play with. anyone interested? anihanoch and mark_argent i'm especially looking at you two...
'Tis The Season For Murder, Mayhem and Mistletoe Welcome trainee, we're proud to inform you that you've been accepted as an incoming freshman at the TTS School of "Accidental Misfortune", graduating class of 2006
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