[Kevas wakes in a cot with an awful groan. Not since he fought his father has he felt this level of exhaustion and pain. Any attempt to move is halted by a spike of searing pain. Kevas does his best to ignore it if only to grab his communicator. He needs to know what's going on.]
Please tell me dat we made it.
[He's in so much pain that he fails
Read more... )
Where...are you?
Same deck wid all da cots.
[Whichever one that is. He didn't exactly think about where he was before passing out last night.]
I would very much like to find you now, if that's at all possible.
The troll lifts his head and tries to get his bearings before settling back down.]
Be lookin' like seventeen.
As am I. I will come find you.
[Somehow. How she is still standing is beyond her.]
[Despite the pain, he's smiling. It's good to hear her voice. Even better knowing she didn't die on him.]
[She's huffing her way through the cots, and eventually stumbles on Kevas. Alice looks quite the mess - her blue dress is in tatters, her arms and face are peppered with scrapes and gashes and streaked with blood, and the Vorpal blade is resting on her shoulder, hilt firmly in her hand. She's standing strong and proud though, and she sits on an empty cot next to him, giving him a critical once over.]
Her sword is gently set on the cot behind her and she leans forward reaching to take one of his hands. She's quiet, for once.]
Joo be alright?
[She gives him a rather wry smile before continuing.]
Though I'm alive so there's hardly room for any kind of complaint.
That I am even sitting here in great part thanks to you.
[He starts to laugh but it quickly turns to a hiss of pain.]
Couldn't just sit by and let dem birds try to eat jah could I?
[She winces at his hiss, giving his hand the tiniest of squeezes.]
I am very grateful, you know. I did want to thank you for that.
[By the Loa what he wouldn't give for a healing potion right now.]
Joo ain't gotta do dat. Didn't do it fuh da t'anks. I did it cuz I be wantin' joo safe.
[Although by the looks of her he could have done a far better job, but at least she's alive.]
Well, considering I myself didn't stay hidden, then I suspect we both declined to use any sense this evening.
I know you didn't, but it's there all the same - I very much appreciate it Kevas, I truly didn't want to perish.
[Not after she got her blade back, especially. It was like having an old friend one more.]
[Kevas grins broadly at her. He's trying to keep her smiling and keep her mind off any grim thoughts.]
Long as dis body be breddin' I won't evah let dat happen.
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