*gone pee 3 times already today *my boobs are tender, and my nipples are darker, there are little bumps around my areolas, the edeges around my areaols are a littke darker *my stomach is upset
I worked all day today..Im really tired. I ate 2 big ass sandwitches for lunch today with fruit and yogurt. Usally Im full after one. lmao. - - - - - - - - ->
the padres and brothers come home tonight around 8-9ish. :[ goodbye freedom.
You ever get the gut instinct that you KNOW somthing? Like you just really know it. You can feel it in you bones and in your soul, and then you find out its true
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Im going to find a man with lots of money and marry him.....and then sit on my ass for the rest of my life. If anyone finds this man...please let me know.