Aug 31, 2008 00:08
there are still TWO WEEKS before college.......... i am so anxious!
my roommate is from singapore and is EXCELLENT. i can't wait!
in the meantime, i worked 32 hours this week. i am working 36 next week, then getting some teeth removed, then i finally get to go to collegeeeeeeee!
Jun 06, 2008 00:28
ben called me to tell me our gerbil died.
Mar 08, 2008 11:13
despite the weather and various other small disturbances,
i really am enjoying myself.
count your blessings, it will really lift your spirits.
Feb 12, 2008 21:34
precinct 31, lexington.
total democrats: 1061
total republicans: 207
obama: 672
clinton: 381
mccain: 148
huckabee: 34
total voters that voted: 1268
total that are registered: about 2700
so we had almost a 50% voting rate!!!