colors_tcg Backlogs III

Oct 31, 2010 14:59

Man, and I had almost gotten through all of October.

11.27.2010 - Traded [800] names14 for breaker16 with oriharas.
11.27.2010 - Traded [799] armor02 for spaz16 with chikky2k5.
11.27.2010 - Traded [798] kora20 for klutz03 with megchan87.
11.26.2010 - Traded [797] psychic07 for grafeisen03 with maya_chu.
11.26.2010 - Traded [796] hungary16 and brown crayon x4 for psychic07 and yellow crayon x4 with lacie.
11.26.2010 - Traded [795] tokunaga02 for blessed19 with flag.
11.26.2010 - Traded [794] castle09 and brown crayon x2 for guitar11 and grey crayon x2 with shinshi.
11.26.2010 - Traded [793] womanizer15 for zanber18 with lazuliprince.
11.26.2010 - Participated in Guess the Color 24. Got taurus20 and scar17.
11.25.2010 - Participated in Poke Radar 21. Got kira03 and question07.
11.25.2010 - Participated twice in Crazy Colors 7. Played blessed20 and asobot08 and got celestial17, eleven11, sew02, and spider20.
11.25.2010 - Participated in Graffiti 11. Got zearth18, violence04, alias03, tiny07, mamushi05, and blue crayon x1.
11.25.2010 - Participated in Pick a Color 10. Got intelligent03, priest18, burning10, and blue crayon x1.
11.25.2010 - Traded [792] gramarye08 for mid-childa20 with wolfie_.
11.25.2010 - Participated in Voting for Aio-sama. Got gramarye08 and loyalty03.
11.25.2010 - Traded [791] bell19 for blessed08 with sparkism.
11.25.2010 - Traded [789-790] flash04 and hornet14 for sympathy10 and unison05 with perarduaadast.
11.24.2010 - Traded [788] sympathy17 for armor08 with chikky2k5.
11.24.2010 - Participated in Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 13. Got sympathy17 and b-rabbit04.
11.24.2010 - Traded [787] starfish05 for cannon05 with antonio.
11.24.2010 - Traded [785-786] courage19 and rabbit08 for cannon04 and cynical13 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.24.2010 - Participated in Beauty Pageant 13. Got zearth11, short18, tokunaga02, and lotus02.
11.24.2010 - Traded [784] mako02 for unison10 with wolfie_.
11.24.2010 - Browsed Recycled Art. Got breaker04, pal02, and ducati01.
11.24.2010 - Participated twice in Crazy Colors 08. Played beloved18 and tabris14 and got mako02, waitress13, koori04, and bigpuppy20.
11.23.2010 - Traded [781-783] nyan10, blind17, and channel06 for courage19, cynical06, and rabbit08 with lorelessmoon.
11.23.2010 - Traded [780] combat04 for blessed09 with shinshi.
11.23.2010 - Participated in Conan's Clues 19. Got library18 and fragile06.
11.23.2010 - Participated in Spare Parts 12. Got nullify17 and cola07.
11.23.2010 - Traded [779] lorelei08 for science10 with lazuliprince.
11.23.2010 - Traded [777-778] assassin06 and rose15 for hungary16 and zanber16 with dropsofviolet.
11.22.2010 - Traded [776] trance05 for moe17 with staticphrase.
11.22.2010 - Traded [775] mulberry08 for scythe07 with oriharas.
11.22.2010 - Participated in Neku's Music Station 22. Got tails11, wings18, and hairclips17.
11.22.2010 - Traded [774] abel01 for mulberry08 with miss-novacaine.
11.22.2010 - Traded [773] hornet14 for spear08 with mirajane.
11.22.2010 - Traded [772] nonchalant13 for starfish05 with lazuliprince.
11.22.2010 - Traded [770-771] b-rabbit02 and b-rabbit15 for caliber11 and blessed01 with enfacade.
11.22.2010 - Gifted purple crayon x4 to shinshi as Happy Birthday!
11.22.2010 - Traded yellow crayon x1 for grey crayon x1 with moon_wolfwriter.
11.21.2010 - Participated in Host Club Giveaway 11. Got zanza14, combat04, and nonchalant13.
11.21.2010 - Traded [769] funeral02 for sympathy17 with cadiem.
11.21.2010 - Traded [768] wind17 for klarerwind02 with sine_sapienti.
11.21.2010 - Traded [766-767] cry07 and outdated05 for unison12 and cynical12 with algorithmrondo.
11.21.2010 - Traded [765] prince01 for klarerwind14 with mirajane.
11.21.2010 - Traded [764] shark20 for outdated05 with farsketched.
11.21.2010 - Participated in Crosswords Seiyuu Guess 17. Got 66617, badluck01, and smell20.
11.21.2010 - Traded purple crayon x2 for yellow crayon x1 and red crayon x1 with sleevetug.
11.20.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in two sketchpads [37-38] with lottery prize ticket and got lorelei08, erhu20, crusnik18, flame08, korobokkuru17, klutz12, order12, bubbly01, grey crayon x2.
11.20.2010 - Traded [763] zephyr12 for wind17 with konimi.
11.20.2010 - Traded [762] partner18 for b-rabbit02 and b-rabbit15 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.20.2010 - Traded [761] adore13 for rebel13 with moonka.
11.20.2010 - Participated in Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 16. Got pentagram12, partner18, and bell19.
11.20.2010 - Participated in Art Lessons With Rukia 24. Got zephyr12 and koori13.
11.20.2010 - Traded [760] grafeisen09 for cynical10 with whimsykitsune.
11.20.2010 - Traded [758-759] reliable05 and tokunaga10 for mirage10 and adore13 with spinningstyle.
11.20.2010 - Traded [757] german11 for prince01 with monta.
11.20.2010 - Traded [756] fade15 for breaker19 with sparkism.
11.20.2010 - Traded [755] answer15 for armor09 with shinshi.
11.20.2010 - Traded [754] after18 for blessed06 with maidsofmight.
11.20.2010 - Traded [753] bride03 for answer15 with maidsofmight.
11.20.2010 - Traded [752] leo01 for rebel06 with delite.
11.20.2010 - Traded [750-751] speed15 and patch05 for tokunaga10 and cry07 with mongoosehwrs.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Crosswords 11. Got honoo05, emperor14, and loyal08.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Host Club Giveaway 10. Got perfect03, manager18, and yellow crayon x1.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Neku's Music Station 21. Got awaken06, brat15, and names14.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Seiyuu Guess 16. Got funeral02 and general16.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Neku's Music Station 20. Got kora20 and speed15.
11.19.2010 - Traded [748-749] novelist04 and patch17 for assassin06 and rose15 with stopping.
11.19.2010 - Traded [747] tokunaga03 for rebel19 with flag.
11.19.2010 - Traded [746] sweet14 for breaker01 with maya-chu.
*11.19.2010 - Traded [745] hime19 for breaker13 with lucathia-rykatu.
11.19.2010 - Traded [744] bigkitty01 for blessed12 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.19.2010 - Participated in Guess the Color 23. Got burgers07 and sweet14.
11.18.2010 - Traded [743] objection12 for scythe09 with slashed_dream.
11.18.2010 - Traded [742] dna14 for rebel20 with slashed_dream.
11.18.2010 - Traded [741] alias04 for guardian15 with wingdance.
11.18.2010 - Participated in Ryoga's Directions 9. Got spider18 and fate07.
11.18.2010 - Traded [740] hatter16 for reliable17 with lacie.
11.18.2010 - Traded [738-739] illusions16 and rose16 for hatter16 and tokunaga03 with 00zags.
11.18.2010 - Traded [737] popular20 for railgun09 with fuckoffcupid.
11.18.2010 - Traded [736] engineer08 for alias04 with conversated.
11.18.2010 - Traded blue crayon x1 for yellow crayon x1, orange crayon x1, and purple crayon x1 with moonherb.
11.18.2010 - Traded [733-735] guild05, guild08, and chainsaw01 for blue crayon x1 and youcopy16 with lazuliprince.
11.18.2010 - Traded [732] tomboy10 for trance05 with mongoosehwrs.
11.18.2010 - Traded [730-731] hyperion04 and hyperion14 for bigkitty01 and kimono08 with firemelon.
11.18.2010 - Traded [729] shark03 for rose16 with mongoosehwrs.
11.18.2010 - Traded [728] zwei13 for familiar04 with chuukoku.
11.18.2010 - Traded [727] tokunaga13 for laevatein20 with flag.
11.17.2010 - Traded [726] germany15 for breaker03 with shinshi.
11.17.2010 - Participated in Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 12. Got illusions16 and germany15.
11.17.2010 - Participated in Reading Between the Lines 12. Got patch05, shark03, and chupa06.
11.17.2010 - Browsed Recycled Art. Got breaker08, grafeisen14, and zanber05.
11.17.2010 - Traded purple crayon x2 for yellow crayon x1 and green crayon x1 with wet.
11.17.2010 - Traded [725] canada14 for unison13 with wet.
11.16.2010 - Traded [724] psychic07 for klarerwind15 with mirajane.
11.16.2010 - Traded [723] trigger01 for familiar06 with balistt.
11.16.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in two sketchpads [35-36] with lottery prize ticket and got chainsaw01, psychic07, perm17, nyan10, hero06, operator15, blind17, galaxy13, brown crayon x1, and purple crayon x1.
11.16.2010 - Traded [722] timberowl16 for engineer08 with wolfie_.
11.16.2010 - Traded [721] awaken12 for trigger01 with dropsofviolet.
11.16.2010 - Traded [720] pure05 for rebel10 with moonka.
11.16.2010 - Traded [719] curry06 for zwei13 with stopping.
11.16.2010 - Traded [718] crusnik19 for sympathy03 with sine_sapienti.
11.16.2010 - Participated in Spare Parts 11. Got awaken12.
11.16.2010 - Participated in Conan's Clues 18. Got tiger02 and tomboy10.
11.16.2010 - Traded [717] janken06 for breaker12 with 00zags.
*11.15.2010 - Traded [716] knife04 for sympathy20 with chuukoku.
11.15.2010 - Traded [715] alias15 for laevatein07 with wingdance.
11.15.2010 - Traded purple crayon x1 for orange crayon x1 with shinshi.
11.15.2010 - Traded [714] kind09 for caliber20 with wolfie_.
11.15.2010 - Traded [713] janken02 for knife04 with 00zags.
11.15.2010 - Traded [712] sigmund06 for alias15 with crisps.
11.15.2010 - Traded [711] korobokkuru06 for cannon20 with maya-chu.
11.14.2010 - Traded [709-710] hornet05 and flash10 for cynical14 and korobokkuru06 with perarduaadast.
11.14.2010 - Traded [708] thief15 for unison04 with bananayuki.
11.14.2010 - Traded [707] tea14 for klarerwind03 with ludwig.
11.14.2010 - Traded [705-706] strip14 and asobot11 for guardian12 with mongoosehwrs.
11.14.2010 - Traded [702-704] breaker01, breaker12, and zanber20 for crusnik19, thief15, and violence10 with ratiosu.
11.14.2010 - Traded [701] lotus20 for pure05 with lazuliprince.
11.14.2010 - Traded [700] japan17 for tea14 with oriharas.
11.14.2010 - Traded [699] cynical14 for fullmetal11 with mirajane.
11.14.2010 - Traded [698] hungary06 for cannon18 with ludwig.
11.14.2010 - Traded [697] erokappa12 for guardian14 with blue-fox-girl.
11.14.2010 - Traded [696] names10 for hungary06 with blue-fox-girl.
11.14.2010 - Traded yellow crayon x2 for red crayon x1 and green crayon x1 with ludwig.
11.14.2010 - Traded orange crayon x2 and grey crayon x3 for yellow crayon x2, purple crayon x1, and brown crayon x2 with 00zags.
11.14.2010 - Traded [695] clueless04 for blessed18 with maidsofmight.
11.14.2010 - Traded [694] mask02 for clueless04 with conversated.
11.14.2010 - Traded [693] junes11 for blessed05 with meeps.
11.14.2010 - Traded [692] experiments07 for guardian11 with kikai7.
11.14.2010 - Traded [691] venus04 for canada14 with staticphrase.
11.14.2010 - Traded [690] secret10 for familiar09 with maya-chu.
11.13.2010 - Participated in Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 15. Got secret10.
11.13.2010 - Participated in Art Lessons with Rukia 23. Got mask02 and healer05.
11.13.2010 - Traded [689] coordinator04 and purple crayon x2 for tokunaga13 and yellow crayon x2 with sleevetug.
11.13.2010 - Traded [688] b-rabbit19 for cynical02 with illalla.
11.13.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in two sketchpads [33-34] with lottery prize ticket and got strip14, guild08, lotus20, eyeshadow20, gamble12, bandages01, sigmund06, janken02, orange crayon x1, and purple crayon x1.
11.12.2010 - Traded [687] sealand12 for railgun12 with wet.
11.12.2010 - Traded [686] bandages01 for blessed16 with wingdance.
11.12.2010 - Traded [685] tenshi12 for blessed14 with chuukoku.
11.11.2010 - Participated in Guess the Color 22. Got experiments07 and crush15.
11.11.2010 - Traded [684] aries14 for tenshi12 with bass.
11.11.2010 - Traded [683] wolf05 for blessed04 with makoto666.
11.11.2010 - Traded [682] bronco20 for laevatein16 with oresame.
11.11.2010 - Gifted orange crayon x2 to mongoosehwrs for Happy Birthday!
*11.10.2010 - Traded purple crayon x3 for grey crayon x1 and blue crayon x2 with ludwig.
11.10.2010 - Traded [681] gakuen15 for laevatein13 with shinshi.
11.10.2010 - Participated in Beauty Pageant 12. Got erokappa12, guild05, popular20, and gakuen15.
11.10.2010 - Participated in Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 11. Got armor02 and marimo06.
11.10.2010 - Traded [678-680] phantom02, capture07, and brush02, for familiar15, guardian02, and cynical14 with kikai7.
11.10.2010 - Traded [677] drums09 for cannon13 with neurotripsy.
11.10.2010 - Traded [676] tails10 for slave02 with neurotripsy.
11.10.2010 - Traded grey crayon x1 for yellow crayon x1 with monta.
11.10.2010 - Traded [675] loveless20 for klarerwind10 with makato666.
11.10.2010 - Traded [674] mako04 for ragnarok08 with enfacade.
11.10.2010 - Traded [673] despair04 for lavaetein06 with perarduaadast.
11.10.2010 - Traded [672] stapler05 for breaker02 with ditty_cat.
*11.10.2010 - Traded [671] question01 for bronco20 with antonio.
11.10.2010 - Traded blue crayon x1 for grey crayon x1 with shinshi.
11.09.2010 - Traded red crayon x1 for brown crayon x1 with konimi.
11.09.2010 - Traded [669-670] tokunaga17 and immortal10 for scythe14 and rebel12 with flag.
11.09.2010 - Traded [668] northitaly10 for scythe17 with moon_wolfwriter.
11.09.2010 - Traded yellow crayon x2 for brown crayon x1 and orange crayon x1 with ludwig.
11.09.2010 - Traded [667] youcopy20 and purple crayon x1 for tomboy04 and grey crayon x1 with sleevetug.
11.09.2010 - Traded [666] junes10 for immortal10 with lazuliprince.
11.09.2010 - Traded [665] perception13 for tokunaga17 with sleevetug.
11.09.2010 - Traded red crayon x1 for brown crayon x1 with crisps.
11.09.2010 - Participated in Conan's Clues 17. Got rubber05, stapler05, and objection12.
11.09.2010 - Participated in Spare Parts 10. Got breaker18 and question01.
11.09.2010 - Traded [664] idol08 for klarerwind19 with spinningstyle.
11.09.2010 - Traded [663] boxer01 for idol08 with conversated.
11.09.2010 - Browsed Recycled Art. Got cain14, solar10, and zanber07.
11.09.2010 - Traded [662] korobokkuru03 for guitar18 with maya-chu.
11.08.2010 - Traded [659-661] cabbage06, rabbit17, and keyboard06 for scythe01, guardian04, and rebel08 with vriska.
11.08.2010 - Traded [658] rival11 for capture07 with izanagihana.
11.08.2010 - Traded [657] zephyr17 for moe08 with izanagihana.
11.08.2010 - Traded [656] france04 for railgun01 with oresame.
11.08.2010 - Traded [655] answer01 for fullmetal17 with shinshi.
11.08.2010 - Traded [654] candy19 for scythe16 with sine_sapienti.
11.08.2010 - Traded [653] taozi13 for answer01 with flag.
11.08.2010 - Traded [652] logic13 for rebel03 with wolfie_.
11.08.2010 - Traded [651] thief11 for taozi13 with bananayuki.
11.08.2010 - Participated in Scrapbook 04. Got goggles17, coordinator04, and abel01.
11.08.2010 - Traded [649-650] bronco06 and bloodyrose01 for railgun08 and klarerwind12 with miss-novacaine.
11.08.2010 - Participated in Izaya's Information Exchange 07. Turned in cute18 and got bronco06 and rabbit17.
11.08.2010 - Traded [648] sun09 for klarerwind11 with megchan87.
11.08.2010 - Traded [645-647] ariadoney08, clueless16, and perceive18 for unison02, unison08, and guitar01 with enfacade.
11.08.2010 - Traded [644] wisewolf01 for northitaly10 with ditty_cat.
11.08.2010 - Traded [643] immortal17 for brush02 with flag.
11.08.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in four sketchpads [29-32] with lottery prize ticket and got mid-childa18, sealand12, curry06, mako04, perception16, despair04, korobokkuru03, headband04, spy13, patch17, cabbage06, smoker12, dna14, venus04, immortal17, germany14, yellow crayon x2, red crayon x1, and purple crayon x1.
11.08.2010 - Traded [642] whispered17 for grafeisen09 with flag.
11.08.2010 - Traded [641] hungary07 for phantom02 with shinshi.
11.07.2010 - Completed November Pot of Gold Yellow and Blue Task. Got candy19, hungary07, wisewolf01, persocom04, novelist05, thief11, logic13, hime19, and purple crayon x1.
11.07.2010 - Traded [640] flash20 for cynical20 with chikky2k5.
11.07.2010 - Traded [639] cannon19 for railgun18 with firemelon.
11.07.2010 - Traded [638] illness03 for guardian03 with vriska.
11.07.2010 - Traded [637] pitcher19 for whispered17 with meeps.
11.07.2010 - Traded [636] erokappa08 for rebel18 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.07.2010 - Traded [635] ronin13 for cannon19 with kikai7.
11.07.2010 - Traded [634] strawberry12 for sympathy02 with taminas.
11.07.2010 - Traded [633] brain02 for slave11 with maya-chu.
11.07.2010 - Traded [632] sew14 for mirage09 with moonka.
11.07.2010 - Traded [631] shocking05 for boxer01 with sine-sapienti.
11.07.2010 - Traded [630] waitress05 for erokappa08 with synfulx.
11.07.2010 - Traded [629] witch09 for strawberry12 with perarduaadast.
11.07.2010 - Traded [627-628] duality17 and channel20 for guitar14 and familiar02 with conversated.
11.07.2010 - Traded [626] meimei17 for brain02 with ratiosu.
11.07.2010 - Traded [625] 6609 for asobot08 with kawashiro.
*11.07.2010 - Traded [624] pitcher16 for guitar13 with lucathia-rykatu.
11.07.2010 - Participated twice in Crazy Colors 06. Played oracle15 and reiki19 and got korobokkuru05, german11, moe10, and onion12.
11.07.2010 - Traded [623] erokappa04 for guardian10 with blue-fox-girl.
11.07.2010 - Traded [622] yo-yo20 for cannon19 with sparkism.
11.07.2010 - Traded [621] adore06 for perception06 with chuukoku.
11.07.2010 - Traded [619-620] northitaly16 and america15 for adore06 and grafeisen07 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.07.2010 - Participated in Graffiti 10. Got america15, witch09, dance02, oracle15, and esper03.
11.07.2010 - Traded [618] kora05 for meimei17 with miss-novacaine.
11.07.2010 - Traded [617] aimo01 for rebel09 with chuukoku.
11.07.2010 - Traded [615-616] engineer07 and council11 for railgun07 and asobot11 with maidsofmight.
11.07.2010 - Traded [614] libra01 for aimo01 with taminas.
11.07.2010 - Traded [613] homophobe04 for railgun02 with lazuliprince.
11.07.2010 - Traded [612] zanber07 for dattebayo20 with moonherb.
11.07.2010 - Traded [611] salamander11 for armor20 with moonherb.
11.07.2010 - Traded [610] fangs13 for waitress05 with lazuliprince.
11.07.2010 - Traded [608-609] literature02 and maou16 for blue crayon x1 with lazuliprince.
11.07.2010 - Traded [607] sensei08 for northitaly16 with mongoosehwrs.
11.06.2010 - Traded [606] bass03 for cannon11 with vriska.
11.06.2010 - Traded brown crayon x3 for red crayon x1, green crayon x1, and grey crayon x1 with mongoosehwrs.
11.06.2010 - Traded [604-605] dance04 and tuxedo14 for unison20 and fullmetal01 with chikky2k5.
11.06.2010 - Traded [600-603] assassin02, assassin03, assassin12, and erhu19 for slave04, scythe19, familiar03, and mirage16 with lorelessmoon.
11.06.2010 - Traded [599] kimono14 for unison01 with crisps.
11.06.2010 - Traded [598] taciturn13 for channel20 with konimi.
11.06.2010 - Traded [597] selece14 for scythe15 with maya-chu.
11.06.2010 - Traded [596] hatter20 for tuxedo14 with konimi.
*11.06.2010 - Traded [595] raven13 for armor04 with ludwig.
11.06.2010 - Leveled up to Blue, then Purple! Got sigmund07, junes10, hatter20, raven13, selece14, sensei08, orange crayon x1, and yellow crayon x1.
11.06.2010 - Traded [593-594] stubborn14 and shark02 for mirage06 and perception02 with kidalana.
11.06.2010 - Traded [592] meimei08 for grafeisen08 with ratiosu.
11.06.2010 - Traded [591] coordinator20 for sympathy04 with moonherb.
11.06.2010 - Participated in Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 14. Got ariadoney08.
11.06.2010 - Participated in Go Fish! 22. Got b-rabbit19 and council11.
11.06.2010 - Participated in Art Lessons with Rukia 22. Got 6609 and sun09.
11.06.2010 - Traded [590] selece15 for grafeisen05 with maya_chu.
*11.06.2010 - Traded [589] pitcher01 for guardian18 with lucathia-rykatu.
11.06.2010 - Traded [588] taozi14 for fullmetal12 with flag.
11.06.2010 - Traded [586-587] waitress14 and trainer17 for taozi14 and meimei08 with synfulx.
11.06.2010 - Traded [585] power03 for moe01 with synfulx.
11.06.2010 - Traded [582-584] dancer19, television07, and skypirate03 for flash02, zanber20, and pal20 with sparkism.
11.05.2010 - Traded [580-581] dance14 and manager11 for mirage12 and perception12 with chikky2k5.
11.05.2010 - Traded [579] excluded03 for cannon17 with mongoosehwrs.
11.05.2010 - Traded [578] sin04 for guardian20 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.05.2010 - Traded [577] kaiser02 for railgun14 with whimsykitsune.
11.05.2010 - Traded [576] believe18 for railgun19 with algorithmrondo.
11.05.2010 - Traded [575] valkyria06 for railgun04 with perarduaadast.
11.05.2010 - Traded [574] vermouth05 for grafeisen12 with mirajane.
11.05.2010 - Traded [573] misfortun03 for railgun17 with 00zags.
11.05.2010 - Traded [572] hungary01 for sympathy08 with konimi.
11.05.2010 - Traded [571] spaz15 for familiar18 with shinshi.
11.05.2010 - Participated in Seiyuu Guess 15. Got salamander11, spaz15, and hungary01.
11.05.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in three sketchpads [26-28] with lottery prize ticket and got kimono14, kora05, excluded03, erokappa04, youcopy14, selece15, libra01, pal05, timberowl16, esper13, vermouth05, dancer19, yellow crayon x1, brown crayon x1, and green crayon x1.
11.05.2010 - Traded [570] sorry20 for railgun20 with spinningstyle.
11.05.2010 - Traded [569] youcopy10 for railgun03 with ludwig.
11.05.2010 - November release freebies! Got valkyria06, kaiser02, leo01, misfortune03, believe18, sorry20, mid-childa08, railgun10, youcopy14, and homophobe04.
11.05.2010 - Traded [566-568] science06, smell05, and berserker17 for cynical01, moe16, and cannon06 with flag.
11.05.2010 - Traded [563-565] oblivious04, maou07, voi03, and orange crayon x2 for armor01, klarerwind16, sin04, and yellow crayon x2 with bananayuki.
11.05.2010 - Traded blue crayon x1 for green crayon x1 with shinshi.
11.05.2010 - Participated in October Art Submission. Got berserker17, candy03, shark20, pitcher19, and orange crayon x1.
11.05.2010 - Traded [562] erokappa11 for moe10 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.05.2010 - Traded [560-561] klutz18 and experiments11 for cynical08 and slave06 with algorithmrondo.
11.05.2010 - Traded [559] brat15 for whip18 with lazuliprince.
11.05.2010 - Traded [557-558] erhu14 and erhu17 for cynical03 and experiments11 with lucathia-rykatu.
11.05.2010 - Traded [556] julia12 for erokappa11 with angel-of-faith.
11.05.2010 - Traded [553-555] truth01, heart17, and voi03 for guitar12, fullmetal07, and familiar07 with stopping.
11.04.2010 - Traded [552] model10 for cynical19 with perarduaadast.
11.04.2010 - Traded red crayon x1 for brown crayon x1 with moonherb.
11.04.2010 - Traded [551] mulberry01 for perception13 with oriharas.
11.04.2010 - Traded [550] charm10 for cynical11 with staticphrase.
11.04.2010 - Traded [549] pitcher13 for shocking05 with lucathia-rykatu.
11.03.2010 - Traded [547-548] warrior05 and warrior09 for mirage20 and rebel04 with whimsykitsune.
11.03.2010 - Traded [543-546] sigmund05, fog09, spider14, and intelligent17 for mirage07, mirage18, fullmetal16, and aries14 with crisps.
11.03.2010 - Participated in Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 10. Got knightmare13, perceive18, and japan17.
11.03.2010 - Participated in Reading Between the Lines 11. Got pitcher13, sew14, and warrior09.
11.03.2010 - Participated in Guess the Color 21. Got wired02 and fog09.
11.03.2010 - Traded [542] deadpan08 for ragnarok03 with sine_sapienti.
11.03.2010 - Browsed Recycled Art. Got laevatein09, mirage15, and breaker10.
11.03.2010 - Traded [541] hunter09 for guardian09 with spinningstyle.
11.03.2010 - Traded [540] berserker19 for deadpan08 with sparkism.
11.02.2010 - Visited Art Shop. Turned in two sketchpads [24-25] with lottery prize ticket and got maou07, literature02, coordinator20, bride03, klutz18, beloved20, france04, pentagram11, red crayon x1, and purple crayon x1.
11.02.2010 - Traded [539] lionheart18 for mulberry01 with wolfie_.
11.02.2010 - Traded [538] un-sorcerer03 for ragnarok01 with mirajane.
11.02.2010 - Participated in Conan's Clues 16. Got trainer17 and beloved20.
11.02.2010 - Participated in Spare Parts 09. Got rival11, tomboy04, cute18, and hunter09.
11.01.2010 - Traded [537] adore14 for slave05 with chuukoku.
11.01.2010 - Traded [535-536] chat17 and fujoshi05 for zanber11 and familiar10 with megchan87.
11.01.2010 - Traded [534] sensei06 for sympathy09 with orechibisama.
11.01.2010 - Traded [533] fate04 for sympathy12 with moon-wolfwriter.
11.01.2010 - Traded [532] france13 for rebel01 with shinshi.
11.01.2010 - Completed October Pot of Gold Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, Grey, ALL Tasks. Turned in tuxedo18, moon07, uranus01, venus10, un-sorcerer12, magic08, witch20, magical04, rayearth05, amulet11, julia11, and charm04. Got fate04, illness03, beloved03, erhu17, fujoshi05, rookie14, maou16, charm10, angel16, chat17, twentyone02, adore14, berserker19, wolf05, keyboard06, model10, taciturn13, hyperion14, truth01, spider14, ronin13, assassin02, zephyr17, duality17, warrior05, guitar15, france13, purple crayon x1, green crayon x1, orange crayon x1, and chance to donate special deck.
10.31.2010 - Traded [531] destiny16 for sensei06 with lazuliprince.
10.31.2010 - Traded green crayon x1 for red crayon x1 with oriharas.
10.31.2010 - Traded [529-530] nyan07 and wine18 for grafeisen17 and breaker18 with konimi.
10.31.2010 - Traded [527-528] temper18 and zephyr07 for perception20 and wine18 with izanagihana.
10.31.2010 - Traded grey crayon x1 for purple crayon x1 with ludwig.
10.31.2010 - Traded yellow crayon x3 for grey crayon x3 with perarduaadast.
10.31.2010 - Traded [526] england02 for cannon07 with crisps.
10.30.2010 - Traded [524-525] piano09 and klarerwind07 for witch20 and magical04 with whimsykitsune.
10.30.2010 - Participated in Neku's Music Station 19. Got brat15 and shark02.
10.30.2010 - Participated in October Lottery. Gambled spear03, spear03, nerd18, asobot07, and bandages18. Got clueless16, cynical16, five18, piano09, intelligent17, loveless20, un-sorcerer03, sigmund05, blue crayon x1, and Grand Prize (Art Shop).
10.30.2010 - Traded yellow crayon x1 for green crayon x1 with shinshi.
10.30.2010 - Traded blue crayon x1 for yellow crayon x1 with staticphrase.
10.29.2010 - Traded [523] minicon10 for england02 with perarduaadast.
10.29.2010 - Traded [522] fragile16 for ragnarok05 with moonka.
10.29.2010 - Traded [521] deer03 for familiar17 with mongoosehwrs.
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