There will be a permanent link to this in my sidebar for anyone who's interested.
ETA: This list is continually updated as each new story is posted, so all stories are included, despite the old original posting date.
Fanfiction Tag for my LJ - All written in Supernatural fandom unless otherwise indicated. -
Explanations for the rating abbreviations in the following:
L for language (i.e. swearing)
D for suggestive dialogue (i.e. talking about sex acts)
V for violence (includes gore)
S for sexual situations
(Taken from
Wikipedia’s explanation)
Oneshots Tag At Night: PG - Sam, Dean, and mentions of John
("Faith") From the episode “Faith” where there is no healer to cure Dean’s heart condition. As such, the brothers grapple with the present together and possible future apart.
Birds Against Pink Skies: R (S, L) - Sam/Jo, Ellen, mentions of John and Dean
California was going to be a chance at something new. She's new but not part of his plan.
Broken Puppets: PG-13 (V) - Sam, Dean, and John
("Devil's Trap") Tag for the season finale when the Winchesters awake.
Burn Down the Night: PG-13 (V) - Dean, Sam, and John
John has been dead three months when he begins writing letters to his sons in his journal.
But One to the Wind: G - Sam and Dean
("What Is and What Should Never Be") Sam asks him every question but one.
Cerulean: R (S) - Dean/OFC, Sam
Sam and Dean find a girl with no apparent past on the beach at sunset.
Cold Ashes: PG - Sam/Jessica, Dean, OCs, and mentions of John
("Pilot") When Dean comes to Stanford in "Pilot" he asks Sam to join him to look for their father. Instead of agreeing, Sam instead stays behind in California.
Could Have Been Love: Light R (L, D, S) - Dean/OFC and Sam
Dean reflects on his first love.
Coulrophobia: PG (L) - Dean and Sam
("Everybody Loves a Clown") Sam's got a fear of clowns. Dean's not going to drop it.
Dandelion Bouquets: PG-13/R (S) - Mary/John, Dean, and Sam
Various snapshots from Mary’s life following her from childhood to becoming Sam and Dean's mother.
Daylight Refracted: R (S, L) - Jess/Sam, Dean, et. al
It takes revenge against a demon and love for a hunter for her to go back to where she began.
Down the Road the Streetlight Glows PG - Sam (as Dean Forester)/Rory, Dean, John, et. al
(Gilmore Girls/SPN crossover) His name is the only thing that stays a lie. Everything else becomes a truth.
Dusted Kaleidoscope: Adult (L, S) - Sam/Dean
(Wincest) Sam and Dean go back and remember more than just their father.
Fairy Night: PG-13 (S) - Sam/Jess, mention of Dean and John
Sam and Jess spend a night outside together, and Sam learns that the darkness doesn't always have to bring him pain.
Flightless: PG-13 (L, V) - Castiel, Dean, and Sam
His mother either had a weird sense of humor or was crazy when she decided to name him after an angel that no one had ever heard about.
Golden Lights Go Dark Tonight: R (V, L) - Sam, Ruby, and Dean
In the beginning, Sam only wanted to save Dean. By the end, everything and nothing had changed.
Golden Silhouette: Light PG - Dean and Sam
After awakening in the middle of the night, Dean makes a long drive to set his mind at ease.
Light a Roman Candle: R (V, L) - Dean and Sam
The day Sam loses his sight, the sun turns black.
Never Alone: PG (V) - John/Mary, Dean, and Sam
("Shadows") Even after Mary left, John still continues to talk to his wife about the events that matter most.
New Flower: Light PG-13 (D) - Sam/Jessica and mention of Dean
Jessica reflects on her relationship with Sam.
Nimbostratus on the Shore: Light PG - Dean and Sam
She only dances when it storms. Dean and Sam watch.
On the Crest of the Sun: Adult (L, S) - Sam/Dean
(Wincest) Dean makes a deal to keep Sam and him together beyond what should be allowed.
One Step Ahead: PG-13/R (V, L) - Dean, Sam, and John
("Dead Man's Blood") After the vampires find Dean, he learns where he must walk in life with his father and brother.
Peanut Butter Hero: Light PG - Sam, Dean, mentions of John and Mary
Snapshot of a moment from Sam and Dean during their elementary school years.
Rainwater in the Words: R (S, L) - Sam/Jess, Dean/Jess
When she calls him for answers, he never assumes that her words are filled with as many lies as his.
Running Laps Around the Sun: Adult (S, L) - Sam/Dean
(Wincest) Sam and Dean learn that sometimes one future must be sacrificed for another.
Somewhere from Ashes: PG-13 (L, V) - Dean, Sam, and Bobby
Dean has always measured time by Sam until the day comes that Sam changes that measurement.
Spill the Blood of the Sky: R (V, L) - Dean, Sam, and mentions of John
Sam and Dean make their own curse for the end of the world.
Sweet Devil's Got My Soul: R (L, S) - Sam/demon, Dean
When a succubus appears with Jess' face, both Sam and Dean get more than they bargained for in their fight against her.
Table Seven: PG-13 (L,D) - Dean, Sam, and OCs
Sam and Dean work in a restaurant.
The Devil Kept a Garden: R (L, V) - Dean, Sam, and OCs
Without his memory, all he has is a newfound family and the word of the Lord to guide him through the end.
Twilight Lace: G - Dean, Sam, and OFC
Short wedding fic.
Underbelly: PG-13 - Dean, Sam and demons
("Heaven and Hell") Dean remembers Hell.
Wait Without Warmth: PG-13 (L, V) - Dean with mentions of Sam and John
("In My Time of Dying") After talking to the reaper, Dean chooses to stay behind.
Wasteland Flame Below: R (L, V) - Dean, Sam, Ellen, and others.
Even the best hunter can sometimes underestimate his prey.
Wednesday: PG-13 (V) - Sam, Dean, and John
The time for Sam only passes in Wednesdays, and he learns that until he faces reality, he'll never know any other way to count his days.
Window Side: G - OC, Dean and Sam (Outsider's point of view)
He always comes on Sunday because it's the holy day of the week.
Psych_30 Challenge Oneshots
Claim: Dean Winchester
Psych_30 Tag Aerosmith and the Stethoscope: PG-13 (L) - Dean, OC, and Sam
(Prompt 1: "Transference") Dean and Sam, once again, go undercover, and Dean learns that his brother is both a pain and a necessity in his life.
Smearing Memories: PG - Dean, John, and Sam
(Prompt 2: "Daddy Issues") Dean reflects on the relationship with his father.
Eight-Ball: R (S, L) - ean/OFC, Sam, and OCs
(Prompt 3: "Addiction") In Dean's life, there's only been one thing to bring him back every morning.
Say Hi to the Guy Inside: R (S, L) - Dean, OC, and Sam
Prompt 4: "Ego/Id") Dean's id comes out to play for a day.
One Man and Then Some: R (L, S) - Dean, John, and Sam
(Prompt 5: "Multiple Personality") Dean pretends to be many different people, yet he is still one man.
Down in the Playground: Light PG - Dean, Sam, John, and OCs
(Prompt 6: "Inferiority Complex") In his childhood playground, Dean watches his life and how he fell.
House of Mirrors: PG-13 (L, V, D) - Dean, Sam, John, and OCs
(Prompt 7: "Nature vs. Nurture") At a carnival, a fortune teller shows Dean what could have been in his life.
Aviatophobia: PG (L) - Dean, Sam
(Prompt 8: "Phobia")("Phantom Traveler") Sam learns Dean's fear and uses it to his advantage.
Gather the Flies: R (V, L) - Dean, John, and OCs
(Prompt 9: "Sociopath") Dean is kidnapped. John is a father.
Us of Three: PG - Dean, Sam, and John
(Prompt 10: "Approach-Avoidance") Pre-series. Sam grows up and leaves. Dean must choose where he belongs.
Prompted Writings
Dark Angel Tag Heroes Tag Prompt Tag Sam Teases Dean: Light PG - Dean, Sam, and mentions of Mary
(User prompt.)
Sam teases Dean and hits a nerve.
Alec post "Berrisford Agenda": (Dark Angel)PG - Alec/Rachel, OCs
(User prompt.)
Thoughts of Alec during the flashbacks of Manticore and such during "The Berrisford Agenda."
Untitled Ficlets: Gen: (Dark Angel/SPN crossovers for some) Approx. PG-13 - Misc. characters from both fandoms
(User prompt.)
Untitled Ficlets: Slash: (Dark Angel/SPN crossover for one)
(User prompt.) (Wincest, Sam/Dean)
Good-Bye to the Midnight Flowers: PG-13 (V, L) - Dean, Sam/Jess, and Mary
spn_halloween challenge prompt.)
Demons in Jess and Mary's forms taunt and haunt the boys one Halloween. Much angst and sadness ensue when they are forced to end the women they love.
Untitled Ficlets: Gen: (Multi-fandom crossovers) G-R ratings - Misc. characters from asst. fandoms
(User prompt.)
Little Red Airplane: Adult (L, S) - Dean/Sam
(Wincest) (Written for
Together in a Bubble: G - Sam/Jess, Dean, and John
spn_het_love challenge prompt: Puppy Love)
It starts with laughter and cookies in the jungle gym.
Red Thread After: PG - Sam, Dean, Jo, and others
(Birthday fic 2007 for
mellaithwen based on the following: "Happy Apocalypse. Like world's gone to hell, character deaths a-plenty but in the middle of it all, the boys have something to be grinning/joking about.")
At the end of the world, she becomes the first circle on their list.
Slipping Through Cinders: PG-13 - Sam, Dean, and a demon
(Written for
spn_halloween 2007)
When Sam wants to save his brother and a demon wants its freedom, Dean becomes the one caught in the middle.
Whitewash: R (L) - Dean, Sam and asst. characters
(Birthday fic for
mellaithwen 2008 where she asked for something regarding the conversation in "Ghostfacers," where the brothers said the following: Sam, "You know what you get when you show the word the truth?" and Dean responded, "A straitjacket or a punch in the face. Sometimes both." She continued on to say, "There are so many crazy!Sam stories or people thinking Sam's crazy and really not that many with Dean)
"People with schizophrenia sometimes hear voices others don’t hear, believe that others are broadcasting their thoughts to the world, or become convinced that others are plotting to harm them. These experiences can make them fearful and withdrawn and cause difficulties when they try to have relationships with others" (NIMH, 2008).
Bridges Alight: PG-13 - Sam, Dean, asst. characters
(Birthday fic for
legoline based on the following: "Some hurt!Dean; Baby animals!fanfiction with Dean and baby animals; and then, the final bit that makes or breaks the whole story where she said,...A scenario or possibly an AU that has Dean and Sam fighting in the Civil War...or maybe just wearing the uniforms or living on a cotton plantation")
Fifteen years ago, a man stepped out of flames on the bridge.
Caught Between Snow and Sky: Adult - Dean/Sam, John, and Bobby
(Written for fic exchange for
angstpuppy based on the following: "shaving (face, groin, anywhere!!!), innocent but unknowingly sexual Sammy, blowjobs.")
(Wincest) For them, growing up has never been about learning how to let go.
Cock Thursday
Cock Thursday Fics Tag(All are Sam/Dean and rated adult unless otherwise noted.)
Multi-Chaptered Stories
Quid Pro Quo: PG-13 (L,V) - Dean, Sam and OCs
After Sam encounters a mysterious man, he and Dean are offered a chance to make one of their greatest dreams into reality. However, there's a catch, and the boys have to decide whether or not they want to take the risk involved.
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Sine Qua Non: Sequel to Quid Pro Quo: PG-13 (L,V) - Dean, Sam, John, Mary and OCs
(Posted at Following Quid Pro Quo, Sam and Dean are separated for all eternity. One is amongst the living with their mother, while the other resides with the souls of the dead. And the god of the underworld is present to assure they will remain forever bound to this.
Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter Thirteen Crescendo of the Moon: PG-13/R (L,V) - Dean, Sam, and OCs
After a past hunt leaves both Sam and Dean wounded, a new threat emerges that preys upon their pains and weaknesses. Brother is pitted against brother, and the hunters themselves soon become the hunted.
All Chapters)
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter ThirteenChapter FourteenChapter Fifteen Tailspin: PG-13 (L, V, D) - Dean, Sam, and other asst. SPN characters
AU Fic: Sam and Dean kill the demon, which changes them in a potent--unexpected--way. When their time runs out and they understand their curse, all they must learn before the end is how to save themselves.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six [Epilogue]