Jul 30, 2007 10:46
My cell got fried over the weekend and I lost all of my numbers. If you want me to have your phone number you will have to email it to me or call me. Thanks
Apr 11, 2007 08:34
Make the day stop! My clients had a bad night last night, one of my bosses left the company very abruptly yesterday, that will be chaos. The couch monkey is drunk weepy and biligerent again and I am no mood to deal with it so I have aurgued with him all morning. I can't even hide in my room because my boyfirend is sick and sleeping in there.
Mar 23, 2007 14:21
I just got back from the onocologist and I am still cancer free. If I can make it to next year still cancer free my chances of it coming back are almost none. Now if I could just stay flu free I would be completely happy
Aug 01, 2005 08:27
I finally didn't. Not only am I acutally writing in this but i got new user pics! Go Me