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LAST UPDATED: September 3rd, 2012.
By popular demand and because of the high risk of banned members continuing to attempt business through PM, here we have our shiny Wall of Shame. Here we will warn people as to who has been banned, what kind of ban they are under, and why it happened.
This list will NOT be constantly posted to the community to remind everyone, as luckily it is a rare occurrence that someone is put under a total permanent ban. Members banned from selling and buying are automatically added and easy to check up on (see below), but if you think someone is missing from our Total Bans or Wanted list, please leave a comment or
contact a moderator.
BANNED SELLERS/FEEDBACK WALL OF SHAME A partial ban is FEEDBACK RELATED and goes into effect when too many negative feedback are left for a member, causing their percentage rating to drop dangerously low. Members who receive 3+ negatives will be AUTOMATICALLY added to the Feedback Wall of Shame. They will also have a notice added to their personal feedback page about their Wall of Shame status. This indicates:
►That the member's sales permission is automatically revoked.
►Sellers will usually refuse to do any business with the member.
►Whether the negative was as a buyer or a seller, these status changes go into effect.
►The member can only regain their good standing if they are able to solve the problem and convince the member/s who left the negatives to revoke them.
►A partially banned member who attempts to participate in any of the
activities enabled by sales permission and/or trades will risk suffering a TOTAL BAN from the community.
If your name appears on the
Feedback Wall of Shame, you will not receive a special notice from a moderator first as this is an automatic function that does not require a moderator's intervention. You are able to comment back and forth with the member who left your feedback to attempt to resolve it and have it changed to neutral (feedback that WAS negative should never then be changed to positive). Only contact a moderator if you feel the negative feedback was left by mistake, or over too trivial a matter to deserve the "negative" label.
This is a list of users who are under partial ban status not based solely on negative feedbacks. This means they are under all of the same restrictions seen above, but may not be found on the Feedback Wall of Shame, as other circumstances also contributed to their partial ban.
pakajunatufty has lost sales permission for disappearing while hosting a large GA and ignoring all mod and participant attempts at contact, requiring members to Paypal dispute to get their money returned.
yueyen has lost sales permission after a disastrous mess of a sales post and auction that was/is ongoing for months.
greenyoshi786 (all same person): This person's IP address is, and they continue to make new names to get around negatives and a bad reputation left by their behaviour on their original one. Please be on the lookout for this IP address and report it immediately if spotted on yet another new username.
pacificpikachu: Continuous failure to ship and pay for items within any reasonable time limits.
jaimonster: Continuous failure to ship items and complete custom items within any reasonable time limits, and deliberately and admittedly lying to members to attempt to cover up the delays.
Friskavkanuvia This is a list of members who have not yet been physically banned from posting, only because we need them to come back and explain themselves to us -- as the people on this list CEASED CONTACT and/or VANISHED merchandise and money that belong to our members (due to various unknown circumstances that may or may not be innocent).
If you are on this list: PLEASE
darkfaeprincess (
my_chapstick (
kylie_fanatic (
misterdeluxe (
cui_chanpikachuashnattksamaobakehoshiicer01 Whether for swindling, lying, causing drama, acting rudely, or being downright utterly ridiculous in their own way, these folks have been sent packing, for good.
alexindistrict9 (also known as thunderwolfcat) has been banned for ignoring sellers, not paying on time, backing out of sales, and generally excessively breaking our buyers rules over the course of years.
kireihana1 (IP, "Elisa Tokumoto Kishaba de Chang" or "Maria Chang Tokumoto") is finally banned. Natsume was rude from the start with sarcastic attacks and name calling, which she was never remorseful for, stating it was her personality. She would leave negative feedback to get revenge on members who annoyed her. On top of that, she was often slow to pay sellers. After a revenge feedback full of lies, a
rude and sarcastic attack on a handful of members, and a ridiculous "
I'm a bit shortofmoney,iknowit'sagainsttherulesasayingso,soshhh" comment to a seller all in one day, her time with us has come to a close. We only apologize to members for making everyone put up with her for this long.
EDIT: She is not taking it well and has begun sending slanderous messages to members ("Hey, motherfucker, gues who already have a new account in the comm. What are you gonna do, report me? That fatass is really stupid is she thinks she can keep me away with ONE IP address."). NEW UPDATE: She came months later to beg to be let back into the community. When I said no, I was told: "But you're a fat cow and very ugly, that's not my fault, when I saw a pic of you in the comm I had nausea for 3 days. You gotta deal with it". Okay! Sorry to make you ill.
emii234 (IP is banned for being caught in act of scamming many members in various ways. She has admitted to such things as lying, selling the same single item to multiple people, and in her words: "I did have every intention of sending your item out but spent the money before I have paid for postage thinking I would get more in a few days. That didn't happen and as time passed I couldn't be bothered posting it thinking it didn't matter." Her husband's account is
andyingham, be wary.
oreyo: Is banned due to harassing sellers to give them unwarranted discounts despite multiple mod warnings, and attempting to delete/screen comments to get out of commitments, and being unable to understand what the problem was in the first place. Often harassed sellers through PM to avoid being seen by a moderator. This temp ban is in place to save sellers' sanity until we feel she has matured enough to follow rules and sales guidelines and respect sellers.
UPDATE: PLEASE NOTE. Anyone dealing with
oreyo please halt all transactions whether through PM, comment, or email. Cancel all transactions, refund all money, and cease further contact. Even if harassed or begged, do not send them messages or replies.
Because this is an extremely distressing and personal situation surrounding this member, please do not take what I say lightly, or as a joke, or send me messages asking what to do. Just cancel and refund all transactions.
This is not a punishment, it is to help this member, and I am acting on the advice of health officials. She must be cut off from this place for her own good and I need everyone's cooperation. Thank you.
donny9: Is banned, after first having had sales, group auction/group buy and pickup permission revoked after failing to adhere to group buy rules (taking a personal profit per item), failing to follow pickup rules (taking payment over a month in advance), abusive behaviour towards another member, and using misleading tactics and language to confuse members about scarcity of items/randomly added extra shipping costs. We recommend you do not purchase from this seller elsewhere on the internet either.
pokepalace has unfortunately been discovered to have been a previously banned member banhopping. Any sellers who have had the displeasure of dealing with Pokepalace's habits will recognize they did not change at all from the previous behaviour which got them banned as annaeel. The previous banning statement follows:
annaeel has been banned for consistently annoying buyers by leaving long lists of wanted items and then changing everything a few hundred times, not paying on time, lying to buyers and sellers, selling items and never sending them and being hard to contact, then claiming the problems are because her young siblings and boyfriend all also use the LJ account and she is going through an unspecified sudden "crisis", however the problems spanned over 2-3 months total. After over ten complaints over the course of many months, she is banned.
7chubbydogs is banned for
many abandoned transactions and missing payments. Now she is banhopping, so be on the lookout.
pokemonwaza is banned after quickly becoming antagonistic in a post attempting to compare types of figures, using slanderous and abusive language towards members and moderators. After being warned he began a campaign of spamming the admin's email with multiple sexist rantings, which continued once banned (abusive/sexist language towards ANY member, which does include mods and admins,
WILL get you banned IMMEDIATELY!). He also used many alt accounts to spam porn on the community. Amusing as his temper tantrums are, needless to say, he is not very bright or trustworthy, so do not deal with this person, who has also been found
phishing accounts on other communities.
The fun emails I received from Mushroom are recorded here. Enjoy! dyne_score/
diluted_paradox is banned for posting and commenting multiple times trying to sell, lying to members that they have sales permission, and deleting any comments mentioning that they are banned for scamming on the community
videogames4sale. Including my comment about it. Oops! Goodbye.
patchw0rks is banned bid-trolling another member, and also PMed them mockingly about it. After insinuating multiple times I was making this all up due to "bias", when unable to deny the evidence, he became violent, calling me a derogatory term towards a female multiple times, threatening to "disassemble" and destroy all future GA's and the community itself. He also expressed the desire to troll the aforementioned member into committing suicide and threatened to do so. His IP address is "". Please keep an eye out for this IP and report it if you see it being used with a different username.
snowball21 is banned for tricking another member to sell items for him to get around his sales ban, which was in place due to members having never received items from his sales and GA's nearly a year prior. Knowingly without sending these items to members, he was sending other sales items to another member instead and offered him a percentage of the profits if he would sell them for him. Unfortunately this is not an acceptable loophole to get around a sales ban.
segamew (and her accomplice
faded_echoes) is banned after admitting to purposefully and knowingly exploiting the community's rules and GA system multiple times to "take" GA's away from the community for her own varied reasons.
Details here.
shesatiger has been banned from the community. After a past history of ripping off multiple sellers and becoming a well known non-paying buyer, she returned months later only to sell her collection. Due to an oversight on the part of the mods this was not halted as it should have been, and the people she had ripped off in the past became very upset. Her sales permission was revoked based on her history and multiple unsolved cases. She became angry and indignant that she was finally suffering the consequences of her actions, and proceeded, unprovoked, to PM multiple random members to slander the community and its owner as a pack of "whiny backstabbers" who ruin all the fun and "complain about people they don't like", causing said members great discomfort. Unfortunately it's natural to complain about a terrible member -- and it is truly whiny people like this who ruin the fun. Thusly, she has been banned.
chunkyrooster9 and
kyoakira are banned after deliberately scamming the community out of money on ebay, after adding up totals raised in GA's and shill bidding to wring as much money from members as possible. They continue to try to scam members through PM and other means. Do NOT associate with these people.
mewtwo32 (IP is banned for being untrustworthy, suspicious, lying about shipping dates, late payments, then making new names to avoid her sales-ban, locking her place as "banned" in permanently.
shadz07 is banned for mocking people who they "beat" to a better priced item, constantly harassing members to accept cash payments, posting the same exact wants post over and over and not listening to requests to stop posting it, and overall being unreliable, immature and making many members feel uncomfortable. they promised they would leave but returned and continued the same antics so they have been banned.
hikari_eien is now banned. The story begins with a new member who would constantly change orders in comments and PMs, in one case changing an order so many times the transaction required 33 private messages. When politely asked to bid as a reply to a previous bidder she flew into a rage leaving negative feedback and slandering the renowned-for-kindness sellers as rude horrible people. This trend continued with hikari_eien slandering many members over simple things with horrible insults and curses. She received numerous negative feedbacks for her behaviour (the rage and the backing out/changing of orders) and upon finding them proceeded to slander and curse out everyone who had left a feedback, accusing the community of ganging up on her (although the feedbacks were never discussed amongst members or coordinated in any way, left by people who do not talk to each other privately) and sending threatening PMs to each person on top of the comments. Upon being banned she sent
heerosferret a threatening and slanderous PM loaded with insults and a final "you cannot ban me, for I quit". Goodbye.
heenz is banned for accepting money for sales and then lying for months, inventing new and increasingly creative but always pity-inducing life drama, which continued on for 7 months before she finally admitted it was all a lie. The items have remained at large; she is banned.
digimon_fan/mimihotty18 (BEWARE!! This user has MANY NAMES!! She lives in Canada ad her name is Marie-Émilie L. DO NOT SELL TO OR DEAL WITH THIS PERSON!!) has been banned. UPDATE! this person was banhopping and continuing their horrible buisness/buyer ethics under a new name, racking up bills of over 400$ to members, backing out of orders, and posting long fanciful lies to get out of their responsibilities.
They also have a history on other communities, as shown in these comments where they use their alt. account to defend their banned name. (old info begins here) do not conduct business with this scammer. their negative feedback ratings are out the roof and the complaints have been pouring in since they first joined. theyve canceled e-checks on numerous members, flaked out on payments, and ignored messages. they canceled one e-check immediately after finding out the items had been mailed in confidence. THEY ARE A SCAMMER. do NOT attempt to sell to this person!
rikiraichu has been banned because of extremely childish and immature behavior, causing excessive drama, calling members names/using other forms of harassment, sustaining overly ridiculous arguments over a long period of time, and also backing out of a high auction bid. finally banned after numerous complaints from dozens of people and a mutual moderator decision. this member will attempt to PM you to buy things from you or bid on auctions if possible (not held on the community) but we recommend denying her, and as banned members may not participate in community functions her bids on items will be null in void/legit members may complain to moderators and have the bids canceled.
PLEASE NOTE: This member was NOT banned because of the incidents regarding the slippers/plush, in which she was taunted and that could have had an affect on her actions. She did these things many other times in many other posts and the final straw was in fact a backed out bid in an auction.
lugiacollector has been banned for obnoxiously "harassing many people to sell them Lugia items. The final straw was someone got the giant Lugia plush and they posted several very obnoxious comments saying the person didn't know the worth of it and demanding they sell to them". Warning, they will PM you trying to buy items from you. Deal with at your own risk. This person is infamous for wishing revenge on the community for an "unfair ban" and slandering members and moderators for what she sees as an usurping of justice.
glacer999 has been banned almost immediately upon joining for an onslaught of rude and trollish behavior over the course of their first few hours. is either a troll or troll-ish, do not conduct business with.
alypkm was banned for extremely rude behaviour, not following rules, begging and pleading for items, demanding that sellers take methods other than paypal as payment, then threatening them and becoming violent and horrid when not given other methods. i'd say don't conduct business with this person if contacted, but as they don't understand money orders, paypal, or anything other than western union, then will become violent if all you take is paypal or money orders, you can't do business with them anyway.
light_venusaur has finally been banned. do not conduct business with this person, who may also be attempting to do business through JADE ASPLEAST, who we also highly recommend avoiding business with. light venusaur is notorious in the pokemon communities in general for being highly immature and unable to handle or listen to even the simplest of requests, and has ripped off our members multiple times with unfinished trades.
omega_alomaniac is banned due to bad business as a seller, lying about dates when packages were posted, and having a horrible temper tantrum when people began to leave negative feedback (due to said lies) in which she said then just ban me! so we did. she's also been banned from other communities for never sending out packages or completing her end of trades.
zeedalbot is banned due to excessive amounts of backed-out orders, some over a hundred dollars. items were paid for using parent's credit cards without permission, resulting in the family contacting us to have her banned. Zeedalbot is the "secret" name she attempted to ban-hop with. AVOID.
sarahpom83 is banned due to tons of crazy drama, lies, bad buisness and temper tantrums, spread thoughout three various pokemon communities (and numerous communities she started herself due to being banned from the rest). she is basically a good lesson in how to get banned from everywhere on the internet.
pokabubu was banned for being untrustworthy, suspicious, starting arguments and causing drama, not following rules, and taking advantage of community members. After a year and many long discussions she is being allowed back with a promise of good behaviour and as only a member, not a seller.
Please be willing to give her this second chance and welcome her back as she promises to follow rules and be a good and helpful member this time.
trollingmewtwo is unbanned.